Output *.hi and *.o files to /tmp.
A tiny bit of makefile cleanup.
GHC_WARNINGS += -fwarn-type-defaults
BIN := spline3
+GHC_OPTS := $(GHC_WARNINGS) -odir /tmp -hidir /tmp --make -o bin/${BIN}
.PHONY : test publish_doc doc src_html hlint
$(BIN): src/*.hs
- ghc -O2 $(GHC_WARNINGS) --make -o bin/${BIN} src/*.hs
+ ghc -O2 $(GHC_OPTS) src/*.hs
all: $(BIN) test_src
test_src: src/Tests/*.hs
- ghc -O2 $(GHC_WARNINGS) --make -o bin/${BIN} src/*.hs src/Tests/*.hs
+ ghc -O2 $(GHC_OPTS) src/*.hs src/Tests/*.hs
profile: src/*.hs
- ghc -O2 $(GHC_WARNINGS) -prof -auto-all --make -o bin/$(BIN) src/*.hs
+ ghc -O2 $(GHC_OPTS) -prof -auto-all src/*.hs
rm -f bin/$(BIN)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
-import Debug.Trace (trace)
import Test.HUnit
import Test.QuickCheck