When no PID file is configured (for example, when amavisd is running
in the foreground), this message is logged. We already ignore the
other types of PID file notifications, so ignore this one too.
push @ignore_list_final, qr/^fish_out_ip_from_received: /;
push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Waiting for the process \S+ to terminate/;
push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Valid PID file \(younger than sys uptime/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^no \$pid_file configured, not checking it/;
push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Sending SIG\S+ to amavisd/;
push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Can't send SIG\S+ to process/;
push @ignore_list_final, qr/^killing process/;