We can't use the superclass method because it relies on
the algebra being associative.
+ The usual way to do this is to check if the determinant is
+ zero, but we need the characteristic polynomial for the
+ determinant. The minimal polynomial is a lot easier to get,
+ so we use Corollary 2 in Chapter V of Koecher to check
+ whether or not the paren't algebra's zero element is a root
+ of this element's minimal polynomial.
+ The identity element is always invertible::
+ sage: set_random_seed()
+ sage: J = random_eja()
+ sage: J.one().is_invertible()
+ True
+ The zero element is never invertible::
+ sage: set_random_seed()
+ sage: J = random_eja()
+ sage: J.zero().is_invertible()
+ False
- return not self.det().is_zero()
+ zero = self.parent().zero()
+ p = self.minimal_polynomial()
+ return not (p(zero) == zero)
def is_nilpotent(self):