c0 = fromJust $ cube_at g 1 1 1
t0 = tetrahedron0 c0
p = polynomial t0
+-- | Make sure we can reproduce a 9x9x9 trilinear from the 3x3x3 one.
+test_trilinearx2_reproduced_t0 :: Assertion
+test_trilinearx2_reproduced_t0 =
+ assertTrue "trilinearx2 is reproduced correctly" $
+ and [p (i', j', k') ~= value_at trilinearx2 i j k
+ | i <- [0..8],
+ j <- [0..8],
+ k <- [0..8],
+ let i' = (fromIntegral i) * 0.5,
+ let j' = (fromIntegral j) * 0.5,
+ let k' = (fromIntegral k) * 0.5]
+ where
+ g = make_grid 1 trilinear
+ c0 = fromJust $ cube_at g 1 1 1
+ t0 = tetrahedron0 c0
+ p = polynomial t0
tc "trilinear reproduced (t21)" test_trilinear_reproduced_t21,
tc "trilinear reproduced (t22)" test_trilinear_reproduced_t22,
tc "trilinear reproduced (t23)" test_trilinear_reproduced_t23,
- tc "zeros reproduced" test_zeros_reproduced ]
+ tc "zeros reproduced" test_zeros_reproduced,
+ tc "trilinearx2 reproduced (t0)" test_trilinearx2_reproduced_t0 ]
misc_tests :: Test.Framework.Test