-- Note the apostrophe to disambiguate it from the
-- AutoRacingResultsListing field.
db_auto_racing_results_id' :: DefaultKey AutoRacingResults,
- db_track_length :: Double,
+ db_track_length :: String, -- ^ Usually a Double, but sometimes a String,
+ -- like \"1.25 miles\".
db_track_length_kph :: Double,
db_laps :: Int,
db_average_speed_mph :: Maybe Double,
data AutoRacingResultsRaceInformationXml =
AutoRacingResultsRaceInformationXml {
- xml_track_length :: Double,
+ xml_track_length :: String,
xml_track_length_kph :: Double,
xml_laps :: Int,
xml_average_speed_mph :: Maybe Double,
xp11Tuple (-- I can't think of another way to get both the
-- TrackLength and its KPH attribute. So we shove them
-- both in a 2-tuple. This should probably be an embedded type!
- xpElem "TrackLength" $ xpPair xpPrim (xpAttr "KPH" xpPrim) )
+ xpElem "TrackLength" $ xpPair xpText (xpAttr "KPH" xpPrim) )
(xpElem "Laps" xpInt)
(xpOption $ xpElem "AverageSpeedMPH" xpPrim)
(xpOption $ xpElem "AverageSpeedKPH" xpPrim)