-- representation.
module TSN.Team (
+ HTeam(..),
+ VTeam(..),
-- * WARNING: these are private but exported to silence warnings
TeamConstructor(..) )
mkPersist )
+-- * Team
-- | The database representation of a team. The 'team_id' is a
-- 'String' field because some teams do in fact have ids like
-- \"B52\". The pointless \"team_\" prefix is left on the 'team_id'
deriving (Eq, Show)
+-- * VTeam / HTeam
+-- | A wrapper around 'Team' that lets us distinguish between home and
+-- away teams. See also 'HTeam'. \"V\" (visiting) was chosen instead
+-- of \"A\" (away) simply because \"vteam" looks better than
+-- \"ateam\". This is purely for type-safety.
+newtype VTeam = VTeam { vteam :: Team } deriving (Eq, Show)
+-- | A wrapper around 'Team' that lets us distinguish between home and
+-- away teams. See also 'VTeam'. This is purely for type-safety.
+newtype HTeam = HTeam { hteam :: Team } deriving (Eq, Show)
+-- * Database stuff
-- Generate the Groundhog code for 'Team'.
mkPersist defaultCodegenConfig [groundhog|
- entity: Team