import System.Console.CmdArgs (
+ args,
import Paths_htsn (version)
import Data.Version (showVersion)
-import OptionalConfiguration (OptionalConfiguration(..))
+import OptionalConfiguration ( OptionalConfiguration(..) )
+import TSN.FeedHosts ( FeedHosts(..) )
-- | The description of the program, displayed as part of the help.
description :: String
arg_spec :: OptionalConfiguration
arg_spec =
OptionalConfiguration {
+ -- Use an empty list for feed_hosts since cmdargs will appends to
+ -- the default when the user supplies feed hosts. If he specifies
+ -- any, those are all we should use.
+ feed_hosts = FeedHosts [] &= typ "HOSTNAMES" &= args,
log_file = def &= typFile &= help log_file_help,
log_level = def &= typ "LEVEL" &= help log_level_help,
password = def &= typ "PASSWORD" &= help password_help,
output_directory = def &= typDir &= help output_directory_help,
syslog = def &= typ "BOOL" &= help syslog_help,
- username = def &= typ "USERNAME" &= help username_help,
- feed_hosts = def &= typ "HOSTNAMES" }
+ username = def &= typ "USERNAME" &= help username_help }
&= program program_name
&= summary my_summary
&= details [description]