+ function_values_properties,
import Test.HUnit
import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup)
import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase)
+import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty)
import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(..), choose)
import Assertions (assertTrue)
-import Cardinal ( Cardinal(..) )
+import Cardinal ( Cardinal(..), cwx, cwy, cwz )
import Examples (trilinear)
import Values (Values3D, dims, idx)
function_values_tests =
testGroup "FunctionValues Tests"
[ testCase "test directions" test_directions ]
+prop_x_rotation_doesnt_affect_front :: FunctionValues -> Bool
+prop_x_rotation_doesnt_affect_front fv0 =
+ expr1 == expr2
+ where
+ fv1 = rotate cwx fv0
+ expr1 = front fv0
+ expr2 = front fv1
+prop_x_rotation_doesnt_affect_back :: FunctionValues -> Bool
+prop_x_rotation_doesnt_affect_back fv0 =
+ expr1 == expr2
+ where
+ fv1 = rotate cwx fv0
+ expr1 = back fv0
+ expr2 = back fv1
+prop_y_rotation_doesnt_affect_left :: FunctionValues -> Bool
+prop_y_rotation_doesnt_affect_left fv0 =
+ expr1 == expr2
+ where
+ fv1 = rotate cwy fv0
+ expr1 = left fv0
+ expr2 = left fv1
+prop_y_rotation_doesnt_affect_right :: FunctionValues -> Bool
+prop_y_rotation_doesnt_affect_right fv0 =
+ expr1 == expr2
+ where
+ fv1 = rotate cwy fv0
+ expr1 = right fv0
+ expr2 = right fv1
+prop_z_rotation_doesnt_affect_down :: FunctionValues -> Bool
+prop_z_rotation_doesnt_affect_down fv0 =
+ expr1 == expr2
+ where
+ fv1 = rotate cwz fv0
+ expr1 = down fv0
+ expr2 = down fv1
+prop_z_rotation_doesnt_affect_top :: FunctionValues -> Bool
+prop_z_rotation_doesnt_affect_top fv0 =
+ expr1 == expr2
+ where
+ fv1 = rotate cwz fv0
+ expr1 = top fv0
+ expr2 = top fv1
+function_values_properties :: Test.Framework.Test
+function_values_properties =
+ let tp = testProperty
+ in
+ testGroup "FunctionValues Properties" [
+ tp "x rotation doesn't affect front" prop_x_rotation_doesnt_affect_front,
+ tp "x rotation doesn't affect back" prop_x_rotation_doesnt_affect_back,
+ tp "y rotation doesn't affect left" prop_y_rotation_doesnt_affect_left,
+ tp "y rotation doesn't affect right" prop_y_rotation_doesnt_affect_right,
+ tp "z rotation doesn't affect top" prop_z_rotation_doesnt_affect_top,
+ tp "z rotation doesn't affect down" prop_z_rotation_doesnt_affect_down ]
import Data.List (intersect)
+import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup)
+import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase)
+import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty)
+import Test.HUnit
+import Test.QuickCheck
-- | The standard factorial function. See
disjoint :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
disjoint xs ys =
intersect xs ys == []
+prop_factorial_greater :: Int -> Property
+prop_factorial_greater n =
+ n <= 20 ==> factorial n >= n
+test_flatten1 :: Assertion
+test_flatten1 =
+ assertEqual "flatten actually works" expected_list actual_list
+ where
+ target = [[[1::Int]], [[2, 3]]]
+ expected_list = [1, 2, 3]
+ actual_list = flatten target
+misc_tests :: Test.Framework.Test
+misc_tests =
+ testGroup "Misc Tests" [
+ testCase "flatten (1)" test_flatten1 ]
+misc_properties :: Test.Framework.Test
+misc_properties =
+ testGroup "Misc Properties" [
+ testProperty "factorial greater" prop_factorial_greater ]
(1/192)*(FD + RD + LD + BD)
--- | We know what (c t6 2 1 0 0) should be from Sorokina and Zeilfelder, p. 87.
--- This test checks the actual value based on the FunctionValues of the cube.
+-- | We know what (c t6 2 1 0 0) should be from Sorokina and
+-- Zeilfelder, p. 87. This test checks the actual value based on
+-- the FunctionValues of the cube.
+-- If 'prop_c_tilde_2100_rotation_correct' passes, then this test is
+-- even meaningful!
prop_c_tilde_2100_correct :: Cube -> Bool
prop_c_tilde_2100_correct cube =
- c t6 2 1 0 0 == (3/8)*int
- + (1/12)*(f + r + l + b)
- + (1/64)*(ft + rt + lt + bt)
- + (7/48)*t + (1/48)*d + (1/96)*(fr + fl + br + bl)
- + (1/192)*(fd + rd + ld + bd)
+ c t6 2 1 0 0 == expected
t0 = tetrahedron0 cube
t6 = tetrahedron6 cube
fvs = Tetrahedron.fv t0
- (Cube _ i j k _ _) = cube
- f = value_at fvs (i-1) j k
- b = value_at fvs (i+1) j k
- l = value_at fvs i (j-1) k
- r = value_at fvs i (j+1) k
- d = value_at fvs i j (k-1)
- t = value_at fvs i j (k+1)
- fl = value_at fvs (i-1) (j-1) k
- fr = value_at fvs (i-1) (j+1) k
- fd = value_at fvs (i-1) j (k-1)
- ft = value_at fvs (i-1) j (k+1)
- bl = value_at fvs (i+1) (j-1) k
- br = value_at fvs (i+1) (j+1) k
- bd = value_at fvs (i+1) j (k-1)
- bt = value_at fvs (i+1) j (k+1)
- ld = value_at fvs i (j-1) (k-1)
- lt = value_at fvs i (j-1) (k+1)
- rd = value_at fvs i (j+1) (k-1)
- rt = value_at fvs i (j+1) (k+1)
- fld = value_at fvs (i-1) (j-1) (k-1)
- flt = value_at fvs (i-1) (j-1) (k+1)
- frd = value_at fvs (i-1) (j+1) (k-1)
- frt = value_at fvs (i-1) (j+1) (k+1)
- bld = value_at fvs (i+1) (j-1) (k-1)
- blt = value_at fvs (i+1) (j-1) (k+1)
- brd = value_at fvs (i+1) (j+1) (k-1)
- brt = value_at fvs (i+1) (j+1) (k+1)
- int = value_at fvs i j k
+ expected = eval fvs $
+ (3/8)*I +
+ (1/12)*(F + R + L + B) +
+ (1/64)*(FT + RT + LT + BT) +
+ (7/48)*T +
+ (1/48)*D +
+ (1/96)*(FR + FL + BR + BL) +
+ (1/192)*(FD + RD + LD + BD)
-- Tests to check that the correct edges are incidental.
+++ /dev/null
-module Tests.Misc
-import Test.HUnit
-import Test.QuickCheck
-import Misc
-prop_factorial_greater :: Int -> Property
-prop_factorial_greater n =
- n <= 20 ==> factorial n >= n
-test_flatten1 :: Assertion
-test_flatten1 =
- assertEqual "flatten actually works" expected_list actual_list
- where
- target = [[[1::Int]], [[2, 3]]]
- expected_list = [1, 2, 3]
- actual_list = flatten target
term3 = (3/4)*((p t 2 1 0 0) + (p t 1 2 0 0) + (p t 2 0 1 0))
term4 = (3/4)*((p t 1 0 2 0) + (p t 0 2 1 0) + (p t 0 1 2 0))
-prop_x_rotation_doesnt_affect_front :: Tetrahedron -> Bool
-prop_x_rotation_doesnt_affect_front t =
- expr1 == expr2
- where
- fv0 = Tetrahedron.fv t
- fv1 = rotate cwx (Tetrahedron.fv t)
- expr1 = front fv0
- expr2 = front fv1
-prop_x_rotation_doesnt_affect_back :: Tetrahedron -> Bool
-prop_x_rotation_doesnt_affect_back t =
- expr1 == expr2
- where
- fv0 = Tetrahedron.fv t
- fv1 = rotate cwx (Tetrahedron.fv t)
- expr1 = back fv0
- expr2 = back fv1
-prop_y_rotation_doesnt_affect_left :: Tetrahedron -> Bool
-prop_y_rotation_doesnt_affect_left t =
- expr1 == expr2
- where
- fv0 = Tetrahedron.fv t
- fv1 = rotate cwy (Tetrahedron.fv t)
- expr1 = left fv0
- expr2 = left fv1
-prop_y_rotation_doesnt_affect_right :: Tetrahedron -> Bool
-prop_y_rotation_doesnt_affect_right t =
- expr1 == expr2
- where
- fv0 = Tetrahedron.fv t
- fv1 = rotate cwy (Tetrahedron.fv t)
- expr1 = right fv0
- expr2 = right fv1
-prop_z_rotation_doesnt_affect_down :: Tetrahedron -> Bool
-prop_z_rotation_doesnt_affect_down t =
- expr1 == expr2
- where
- fv0 = Tetrahedron.fv t
- fv1 = rotate cwz (Tetrahedron.fv t)
- expr1 = down fv0
- expr2 = down fv1
-prop_z_rotation_doesnt_affect_top :: Tetrahedron -> Bool
-prop_z_rotation_doesnt_affect_top t =
- expr1 == expr2
- where
- fv0 = Tetrahedron.fv t
- fv1 = rotate cwz (Tetrahedron.fv t)
- expr1 = top fv0
- expr2 = top fv1
prop_swapping_vertices_doesnt_affect_coefficients1 :: Tetrahedron -> Bool
prop_swapping_vertices_doesnt_affect_coefficients1 t =
import Test.HUnit
import Test.QuickCheck (Testable ())
-import FunctionValues (functionvalues_tests)
+import FunctionValues (function_values_tests, function_values_properties)
+import Misc (misc_tests, misc_properties)
import Tests.Cardinal
import Tests.Cube as TC
import Tests.Grid
-import Tests.Misc
import Tests.Tetrahedron as TT
main :: IO ()
tc "zeros reproduced" test_zeros_reproduced ]
-misc_tests :: Test.Framework.Test
-misc_tests =
- testGroup "Misc Tests" [
- tc "flatten (1)" test_flatten1 ]
tetrahedron_tests :: Test.Framework.Test
tetrahedron_tests =
testGroup "Tetrahedron Tests" [
tp :: Test.QuickCheck.Testable a => Test.Framework.TestName -> a -> Test.Framework.Test
tp = testProperty
-misc_properties :: Test.Framework.Test
-misc_properties =
- testGroup "Misc Properties" [
- tp "factorial greater" prop_factorial_greater ]
cardinal_properties :: Test.Framework.Test
cardinal_properties =
tp "swapping_vertices_doesnt_affect_coefficients3"
$ prop_swapping_vertices_doesnt_affect_coefficients3,
tp "swapping_vertices_doesnt_affect_coefficients4"
- $ prop_swapping_vertices_doesnt_affect_coefficients4,
- tp "x rotation doesn't affect front" prop_x_rotation_doesnt_affect_front,
- tp "x rotation doesn't affect back" prop_x_rotation_doesnt_affect_back,
- tp "y rotation doesn't affect left" prop_y_rotation_doesnt_affect_left,
- tp "y rotation doesn't affect right" prop_y_rotation_doesnt_affect_right,
- tp "z rotation doesn't affect top" prop_z_rotation_doesnt_affect_top,
- tp "z rotation doesn't affect down" prop_z_rotation_doesnt_affect_down ]
+ $ prop_swapping_vertices_doesnt_affect_coefficients4 ]
-- Do the slow tests last so we can stop paying attention.