.IP \[bu]
Check a nonexistent domain (we provide no delegates, since we
-know .invalid will not be delegated):
+know .bar will not be delegated):
-.I $ haeredes <<< \(dqexample.invalid\(dq
-Domain \(dqexample.invalid.\(dq not delegated.
+.I $ haeredes <<< \(dqfoo.bar\(dq
+Domain \(dqfoo.bar.\(dq not delegated.
.IP \[bu]
Set the timeout to one second, and query a nonexistent
name: haeredes
-version: 0.4.1
+version: 0.4.2
cabal-version: >= 1.8
author: Michael Orlitzky
maintainer: Michael Orlitzky <michael@orlitzky.com>
Check a nonexistent domain (we provide no delegates, since we
- know .invalid will not be delegated):
+ know .bar will not be delegated):
- $ haeredes <<< \"example.invalid\"
- Domain \"example.invalid.\" not delegated.
+ $ haeredes <<< \"foo.bar\"
+ Domain \"foo.bar.\" not delegated.
executable haeredes
base == 4.*,
- bytestring == 0.10.*,
- cmdargs == 0.10.*,
+ bytestring >= 0.10,
+ cmdargs >= 0.10,
dns >= 1.4,
- iproute == 1.2.*,
- MissingH == 1.2.*,
- parallel-io == 0.3.*
+ iproute >= 1.2,
+ MissingH >= 1.2,
+ parallel-io >= 0.3
base == 4.*,
-- Additional test dependencies.
- doctest == 0.9.*,
- filemanip == 0.3.6.*
+ doctest >= 0.9,
+ filemanip >= 0.3.6
-- It's not entirely clear to me why I have to reproduce all of this.