{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
--- | The program will parse ~/.htsnrc for any available configuration
--- directives, resulting in an OptionalConfiguration. The
--- command-line arguments will be used to create another
--- OptionalConfiguration, and the two will be merged. Finally, a
--- def :: Configuration will be updated from the merged
--- OptionalConfigurations.
+-- | An OptionalConfiguration is just like a 'Configuration', except
+-- all of its fields are optional. The user can set options in two
+-- places: the command-line, and a configuration file. Obviously if
+-- a parameter is set in one place, it doesn't need to be set in the
+-- other. Thus, the latter needs to be optional.
module OptionalConfiguration (
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
+import System.Directory (getHomeDirectory)
+import System.FilePath ( (</>) )
+import System.IO.Error (catchIOError)
-import FeedHosts (FeedHosts(..))
+import Terminal (report_error)
+import TSN.FeedHosts (FeedHosts(..))
-- | The same as Configuration, except everything is optional. It's easy to
username :: Maybe String }
deriving (Show, Data, Typeable)
+-- | The Monoid instance for these lets us "combine" two
+-- OptionalConfigurations. The "combine" operation that we'd like to
+-- perform is, essentially, to mash them together. So if we have two
+-- OptionalConfigurations, each half full, we could combine them
+-- into one big one.
+-- One of the two must take precedence during this mashing, and we
+-- choose the second one for no reason.
+-- This is used to merge command-line and config-file settings.
instance Monoid OptionalConfiguration where
+ -- | An empty OptionalConfiguration.
mempty = OptionalConfiguration
(FeedHosts [])
+ -- | Combine @cfg1@ and @cfg2@, giving precedence to @cfg2@.
cfg1 `mappend` cfg2 =
then cfg1
else cfg2
+-- | Obtain an OptionalConfiguration from the file ".htsnrc" in the
+-- user's home directory.
+-- We make an attempt at cross-platform compatibility; we will try
+-- to find the correct directory even on Windows. But if the call
+-- to getHomeDirectory fails for whatever reason, we fall back to
+-- using the environment variable $HOME.
from_rc :: IO OptionalConfiguration
from_rc = do
- cfg <- DC.load [ DC.Optional "/etc/htsnrc",
- DC.Optional "$(HOME)/.htsnrc" ]
+ -- After some thought, the "global" /etc/htsnrc configuration file
+ -- was left out. Since each config file needs a password, and this
+ -- should be run by a dedicated user anyway, the global file does
+ -- not serve much purpose. It could also be a security risk (visible
+ -- password) if the admin screws up.
+ home <- catchIOError getHomeDirectory (\e -> do
+ report_error (show e)
+ return "$(HOME)")
+ let user_config_path = home </> ".htsnrc"
+ cfg <- DC.load [ DC.Optional user_config_path ]
cfg_password <- DC.lookup cfg "password"
cfg_output_directory <- DC.lookup cfg "output_directory"
cfg_username <- DC.lookup cfg "username"
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-- | A newtype around a list of Strings which represent the feed
--- hosts. This is all to avoid an orphan instance of Configured for
--- [String] if we had defined one in e.g. OptionalConfiguration.
+-- hosts. This is all to avoid an orphan instance of Configured for
+-- [String] if we had defined one in e.g. OptionalConfiguration.
-module FeedHosts
+-- This was placed under the "TSN" namespace because its Default
+-- instance is specific to TSN, even though otherwise it's just a
+-- list of strings.
+module TSN.FeedHosts
-- DC is needed only for the DCT.Configured instance of String.
FeedHosts { get_feed_hosts :: [String] }
deriving (Data, Show, Typeable)
instance Default FeedHosts where
+ -- | The default list of feed hosts. These were found by checking
+ -- PTR records in the neighborhood of the IP address in use. There
+ -- is a feed4.sportsnetwork.com, but it was not operational when
+ -- this was written.
def = FeedHosts ["feed1.sportsnetwork.com",
module Terminal (
- hPutRedLn,
- putGreenLn)
+ putGreenLn,
+ report_error)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
ColorIntensity( Vivid ),
ConsoleLayer( Foreground ),
setSGR )
-import System.IO ( Handle, hPutStrLn )
+import System.IO ( Handle, hPutStrLn, stderr )
-- | Perform a computation (anything in MonadIO) with the given
-- graphics mode(s) enabled. Revert to the previous graphics mode
-- consistency with e.g. putStrLn.
putGreenLn :: String -> IO ()
putGreenLn = with_color Green . putStrLn
+-- | Report an error (to stderr).
+report_error :: String -> IO ()
+report_error = hPutRedLn stderr