module TSN.Picklers (
+ xp_datetime,
- xp_racedate,
+ xp_time_dots,
xp_time_stamp )
from_earnings (Just i) = format_commas i
--- | (Un)pickle a 'UTCTime' from a \<RaceDate\> element in an
--- 'AutoRaceResults' message.
+-- | (Un)pickle an unpadded 'UTCTime'. Used for example on the
+-- \<RaceDate\> elements in an 'AutoRaceResults' message.
-- Examples:
-- * \<RaceDate\>5/24/2014 2:45:00 PM\</RaceDate\>
-xp_racedate :: PU UTCTime
-xp_racedate =
- (to_racedate, from_racedate) `xpWrapMaybe` xpText
+xp_datetime :: PU UTCTime
+xp_datetime =
+ (to_datetime, from_datetime) `xpWrapMaybe` xpText
format = date_format ++ " " ++ "%-I:%M:%S %p"
- to_racedate :: String -> Maybe UTCTime
- to_racedate = parseTime defaultTimeLocale format
+ to_datetime :: String -> Maybe UTCTime
+ to_datetime = parseTime defaultTimeLocale format
- from_racedate :: UTCTime -> String
- from_racedate = formatTime defaultTimeLocale format
+ from_datetime :: UTCTime -> String
+ from_datetime = formatTime defaultTimeLocale format
-- | (Un)pickle a UTCTime from a weather forecast's gamedate. Example
from_time = formatTime defaultTimeLocale time_format
+-- | (Un)pickle a UTCTime without the date portion. This differs from
+-- 'xp_time' in that it uses periods in the AM/PM part, i.e. \"A.M.\"
+-- and \"P.M.\" It also doesn't use padding for the \"hours\" part.
+-- Examples:
+-- * \<CurrentTimeStamp\>11:30 A.M.\</CurrentTimeStamp\>
+xp_time_dots :: PU UTCTime
+xp_time_dots =
+ (to_time, from_time) `xpWrapMaybe` xpText
+ where
+ -- | The hours arent padded with zeros.
+ nopad_time_format :: String
+ nopad_time_format = "%-I:%M %p"
+ to_time :: String -> Maybe UTCTime
+ to_time = (parseTime defaultTimeLocale nopad_time_format) . (replace "." "")
+ from_time :: UTCTime -> String
+ from_time t =
+ replace "AM" "A.M." (replace "PM" "P.M." s)
+ where
+ s = formatTime defaultTimeLocale nopad_time_format t
-- | (Un)pickle a UTCTime without the date portion, allowing for a
-- value of \"TBA\" (which gets translated to 'Nothing').
import TSN.Codegen (
tsn_codegen_config )
import TSN.DbImport ( DbImport(..), ImportResult(..), run_dbmigrate )
-import TSN.Picklers ( xp_earnings, xp_racedate, xp_time_stamp )
+import TSN.Picklers ( xp_earnings, xp_datetime, xp_time_stamp )
import TSN.XmlImport ( XmlImport(..), XmlImportFk(..) )
import Xml (
(xpElem "category" xpText)
(xpElem "sport" xpText)
(xpElem "RaceID" xpInt)
- (xpElem "RaceDate" xp_racedate)
+ (xpElem "RaceDate" xp_datetime)
(xpElem "Title" xpText)
(xpElem "Track_Location" xpText)
(xpElem "Laps_Remaining" xpInt)