return A( (self.operator_matrix()**(n-1))*self.vector() )
+ def apply_univariate_polynomial(self, p):
+ """
+ Apply the univariate polynomial ``p`` to this element.
+ A priori, SageMath won't allow us to apply a univariate
+ polynomial to an element of an EJA, because we don't know
+ that EJAs are rings (they are usually not associative). Of
+ course, we know that EJAs are power-associative, so the
+ operation is ultimately kosher. This function sidesteps
+ the CAS to get the answer we want and expect.
+ sage: R = PolynomialRing(QQ, 't')
+ sage: t = R.gen(0)
+ sage: p = t^4 - t^3 + 5*t - 2
+ sage: J = RealCartesianProductEJA(5)
+ sage: == 3*
+ True
+ We should always get back an element of the algebra::
+ sage: set_random_seed()
+ sage: p = PolynomialRing(QQ, 't').random_element()
+ sage: J = random_eja()
+ sage: x = J.random_element()
+ sage: x.apply_univariate_polynomial(p) in J
+ True
+ """
+ if len(p.variables()) > 1:
+ raise ValueError("not a univariate polynomial")
+ P = self.parent()
+ R = P.base_ring()
+ # Convert the coeficcients to the parent's base ring,
+ # because a priori they might live in an (unnecessarily)
+ # larger ring for which P.sum() would fail below.
+ cs = [ R(c) for c in p.coefficients(sparse=False) ]
+ return P.sum( cs[k]*(self**k) for k in range(len(cs)) )
def characteristic_polynomial(self):
Return my characteristic polynomial (if I'm a regular
sage: bool(actual == expected)
+ The minimal polynomial should always kill its element::
+ sage: set_random_seed()
+ sage: x = random_eja().random_element()
+ sage: p = x.minimal_polynomial()
+ sage: x.apply_univariate_polynomial(p)
+ 0
V = self.span_of_powers()
assoc_subalg = self.subalgebra_generated_by()