15-dimensional QuaternionHermitianAlgebra(3)) to find out why
they're so slow.
-4. Instead of storing a basis multiplication matrix, just make
- product_on_basis() a cached method and manually cache its
- entries. The cython cached method lookup should be faster than a
- python-based matrix lookup anyway. NOTE: we should still be able
- to recompute the table somehow. Is this worth it?
-5. What the ever-loving fuck is this shit?
+4. What the ever-loving fuck is this shit?
sage: O = Octonions(QQ)
sage: e0 = O.monomial(0)
sage: e0*[[[[]]]]
-7. Every once in a long while, the test
+5. Every once in a long while, the test
sage: set_random_seed()
sage: x = random_eja().random_element()