-- | Two CIDRs are equal if they have the same network bits and if
-- their masks are the same. In other words, if they are the same
-- after normalization.
- cidr1 == cidr2 = addr1 == addr2 && mask1 == mask2
+ cidr1 == cidr2 = (cidr1 <= cidr2) && (cidr2 <= cidr1)
+instance Ord Cidr where
+ cidr1 <= cidr2 = if addr1 == addr2 then mask1 <= mask2 else addr1 <= addr2
Cidr addr1 mask1 = normalize cidr1
Cidr addr2 mask2 = normalize cidr2
-- | Returns the mask portion of a CIDR address. That is, everything
-- after the trailing slash.
maskbits_from_cidr_string :: String -> Maybe Maskbits
testGroup "CIDR Properties" [
- prop_normalize_idempotent ]
+ prop_normalize_idempotent,
+ prop_normalize_preserves_equality ]
-- HUnit Tests
prop :: Cidr -> Bool
prop cidr = (normalize cidr) == (normalize (normalize cidr))
+-- Normalization should not affect equality of two CIDRs.
+prop_normalize_preserves_equality :: TestTree
+prop_normalize_preserves_equality =
+ testProperty "The CIDR \"normalize\" function preserves equality " prop
+ where
+ prop :: Cidr -> Cidr -> Bool
+ prop cidr1 cidr2 = (cidr1 == cidr2) == (normalize cidr1 == normalize cidr2)