-- feed.
module TSN.Picklers (
+ pickler_tests,
import Data.String.Utils ( replace )
import Data.Time.Clock ( NominalDiffTime, UTCTime, addUTCTime )
import Data.Time.Format ( formatTime, parseTime )
+import Data.Tree.NTree.TypeDefs ( NTree(..) )
import System.Locale ( defaultTimeLocale )
+import Test.Tasty ( TestTree, testGroup )
+import Test.Tasty.HUnit ( (@?=), testCase )
import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.Pickle (
xpWrapMaybe )
import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.Pickle.Xml ( PU )
+import Text.XML.HXT.Core (
+ XmlTree,
+ XNode( XTag, XText ),
+ mkName,
+ pickleDoc,
+ unpickleDoc )
-- Local imports.
import TSN.Parse (
-- | (Un)pickle a UTCTime without the date portion, allowing for a
-- value of \"TBA\" (which gets translated to 'Nothing').
+-- /Examples/:
+-- A failed parse will return 'Nothing':
+-- >>> let tn = text_node "YO"
+-- >>> unpickleDoc xp_tba_time tn
+-- Just Nothing
+-- And so will parsing a \"TBA\":
+-- >>> let tn = text_node "TBA"
+-- >>> unpickleDoc xp_tba_time tn
+-- Just Nothing
+-- But re-pickling 'Nothing' gives only \"TBA\":
+-- >>> pickleDoc xp_tba_time Nothing
+-- NTree (XTag "/" []) [NTree (XText "TBA") []]
+-- A normal time is also parsed successfully, of course:
+-- >>> let tn = text_node "08:10 PM"
+-- >>> unpickleDoc xp_tba_time tn
+-- Just (Just 1970-01-01 20:10:00 UTC)
xp_tba_time :: PU (Maybe UTCTime)
xp_tba_time =
(to_time, from_time) `xpWrap` xpText
-- | (Un)pickle the \<time_stamp\> element format to/from a 'UTCTime'.
+-- The time_stamp elements look something like,
--- Example: \<time_stamp\> January 6, 2014, at 10:11 PM ET \</time_stamp\>
+-- \<time_stamp\> January 6, 2014, at 10:11 PM ET \</time_stamp\>
-- TSN doesn't provide a proper time zone name, so we assume that
-- it's always Eastern Standard Time. EST is UTC-5, so we
-- add/subtract 5 hours to convert to/from UTC.
+-- Examples:
+-- >>> let tn = text_node " January 6, 2014, at 10:11 PM ET "
+-- >>> unpickleDoc xp_time_stamp tn
+-- Just 2014-01-07 03:11:00 UTC
xp_time_stamp :: PU UTCTime
xp_time_stamp =
(parse_time_stamp, from_time_stamp) `xpWrapMaybe` xpText
-- Examples:
+-- >>> let tn = text_node "8:00"
+-- >>> unpickleDoc xp_ambiguous_time tn
+-- Just 1970-01-01 08:00:00 UTC
xp_ambiguous_time :: PU UTCTime
xp_ambiguous_time =
(to_time, from_time) `xpWrapMaybe` xpText
from_time :: UTCTime -> String
from_time =
formatTime defaultTimeLocale ambiguous_time_format
+-- | Create an 'XmlTree' containing only the given text. This is
+-- useful for testing (un)picklers, where we don't want to have to
+-- bother to create a dummy XML document.
+-- Examples:
+-- >>> text_node "8:00"
+-- NTree (XText "8:00") []
+text_node :: String -> XmlTree
+text_node s = NTree (XText s) []
+-- * Tasty Tests
+-- | A list of all tests for this module. This primary exists to
+-- eliminate the unused import/export warnings for 'unpickleDoc' and
+-- 'text_node' which are otherwise only used in the doctests.
+pickler_tests :: TestTree
+pickler_tests =
+ testGroup
+ "Pickler tests"
+ [ test_pickle_of_unpickle_is_identity ]
+-- | If we unpickle something and then pickle it, we should wind up
+-- with the same thing we started with (plus an additional root
+-- element).
+test_pickle_of_unpickle_is_identity :: TestTree
+test_pickle_of_unpickle_is_identity =
+ testCase "pickle composed with unpickle is (almost) the identity" $ do
+ let tn = text_node "8:00"
+ let (Just utctime) = unpickleDoc xp_ambiguous_time tn
+ let actual = pickleDoc xp_ambiguous_time utctime
+ let expected = NTree (XTag (mkName "/") []) [tn]
+ actual @?= expected