+ xp_early_line_date,
-- System imports.
+import Data.Char ( toUpper )
import Data.List ( intercalate )
import Data.List.Split ( chunksOf )
+import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes, listToMaybe )
import Data.String.Utils ( replace )
import Data.Time.Clock ( NominalDiffTime, UTCTime, addUTCTime )
import Data.Time.Format ( formatTime, parseTime )
import Data.Tree.NTree.TypeDefs ( NTree(..) )
-import System.Locale ( defaultTimeLocale )
+import System.Locale ( TimeLocale( wDays, months ), defaultTimeLocale )
import Test.Tasty ( TestTree, testGroup )
import Test.Tasty.HUnit ( (@?=), testCase )
import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.Pickle (
from_datetime = formatTime defaultTimeLocale format
+-- | Takes a 'UTCTime', and returns the English suffix that would be
+-- appropriate after the day of the month. For example, if we have a
+-- UTCTime representing Christmas, this would return \"th\" because
+-- \"th\" is the right suffix of \"December 25th\".
+-- Examples:
+-- >>> :{
+-- let parse_date :: String -> Maybe UTCTime;
+-- parse_date = parseTime defaultTimeLocale date_format;
+-- :}
+-- >>> let (Just d1) = parse_date "1/1/1970"
+-- >>> date_suffix d1
+-- "st"
+-- >>> let (Just d2) = parse_date "1/2/1970"
+-- >>> date_suffix d2
+-- "nd"
+-- >>> let (Just d3) = parse_date "1/3/1970"
+-- >>> date_suffix d3
+-- "rd"
+-- >>> let (Just d4) = parse_date "1/4/1970"
+-- >>> date_suffix d4
+-- "th"
+date_suffix :: UTCTime -> String
+date_suffix t =
+ case (reverse daystr) of
+ [] -> []
+ ('1':_) -> "st"
+ ('2':_) -> "nd"
+ ('3':_) -> "rd"
+ _ -> "th"
+ where
+ daystr = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%d" t
-- | (Un)pickle a UTCTime from a weather forecast's gamedate. Example
-- input looks like,
s' = case (reverse s) of
(c2:c1:cs) -> let suffix = [c1,c2]
- case suffix of
- "st" -> reverse cs
- "nd" -> reverse cs
- "rd" -> reverse cs
- "th" -> reverse cs
- _ -> s -- Unknown suffix, leave it alone.
+ if suffix `elem` ["st","nd","rd","th"]
+ then reverse cs
+ else s -- Unknown suffix, leave it alone.
_ -> s -- The String is less than two characters long,
-- leave it alone.
from_gamedate :: UTCTime -> String
- from_gamedate d = s ++ (suffix s)
+ from_gamedate d = s ++ (date_suffix d)
s = formatTime defaultTimeLocale format d
- suffix :: String -> String
- suffix cs =
- case (reverse cs) of
- [] -> []
- ('1':_) -> "st"
- ('2':_) -> "nd"
- ('3':_) -> "rd"
- _ -> "th"
formatTime defaultTimeLocale ambiguous_time_format
+-- | Pickle a date value from a \<date\> element as they appear in the
+-- early lines. This is a particularly wacky format, but then so is
+-- the associated time (see 'xp_ambiguous_time').
+-- Examples:
+-- >>> let tn = text_node "SUNDAY, MAY 25TH (05/25/2014)"
+-- >>> let (Just result) = unpickleDoc xp_early_line_date tn
+-- >>> result
+-- 2014-05-25 00:00:00 UTC
+-- >>> pickleDoc xp_early_line_date result
+-- NTree (XTag "/" []) [NTree (XText "SUNDAY, MAY 25TH (05/25/2014)") []]
+xp_early_line_date :: PU UTCTime
+xp_early_line_date =
+ (to_time, from_time) `xpWrapMaybe` xpText
+ where
+ -- | We need to create our own time locale that talks IN ALL CAPS.
+ -- Actually, 'parseTime' doesn't seem to care about the
+ -- case. But when we spit it back out again ('formatTime'),
+ -- we'll want it to be in all caps.
+ --
+ caps_time_locale :: TimeLocale
+ caps_time_locale =
+ defaultTimeLocale { wDays = caps_days, months = caps_months }
+ caps_days :: [(String,String)]
+ caps_days = map both_to_upper (wDays defaultTimeLocale)
+ caps_months :: [(String,String)]
+ caps_months = map both_to_upper (months defaultTimeLocale)
+ both_to_upper :: (String,String) -> (String,String)
+ both_to_upper (s1,s2) = (map toUpper s1, map toUpper s2)
+ wacko_date_formats :: [String]
+ wacko_date_formats =
+ ["%A, %B %d" ++ suffix ++ " (" ++ date_format_padded ++ ")" |
+ suffix <- ["ST", "ND", "RD","TH"] ]
+ to_time :: String -> Maybe UTCTime
+ to_time s =
+ listToMaybe $ catMaybes possible_parses
+ where
+ possible_parses = [ parseTime caps_time_locale fmt s |
+ fmt <- wacko_date_formats ]
+ from_time :: UTCTime -> String
+ from_time t =
+ formatTime caps_time_locale fmt t
+ where
+ upper_suffix = map toUpper (date_suffix t)
+ fmt = "%A, %B %d" ++ upper_suffix ++ " (" ++ date_format_padded ++ ")"
-- | Create an 'XmlTree' containing only the given text. This is
-- useful for testing (un)picklers, where we don't want to have to
-- bother to create a dummy XML document.