-- test does not mean that unpickling succeeded.
test_pickle_of_unpickle_is_identity :: TestTree
-test_pickle_of_unpickle_is_identity = testGroup "pickle-unpickle tests" $
+test_pickle_of_unpickle_is_identity = testGroup "pickle-unpickle tests"
[ check "pickle composed with unpickle is the identity"
-- | Make sure we can actually unpickle these things.
test_unpickle_succeeds :: TestTree
-test_unpickle_succeeds = testGroup "unpickle tests" $
+test_unpickle_succeeds = testGroup "unpickle tests"
[ check "unpickling succeeds"
-- record.
test_on_delete_cascade :: TestTree
-test_on_delete_cascade = testGroup "cascading delete tests" $
+test_on_delete_cascade = testGroup "cascading delete tests"
[ check "deleting early_lines deletes its children"
dbmigrate _ =
run_dbmigrate $ do
migrate (undefined :: MLBBoxScore)
+ migrate (undefined :: MLBBoxScoreMiscPitchingStatsIntentionalWalk)
+ migrate (undefined :: MLBBoxScoreMiscPitchingStatsHitByPitch)
+ migrate (undefined :: MLBBoxScoreHomerunStatsListing)
+ migrate (undefined :: MLBBoxScoreHomerunStatsListingPitcher)
+ migrate (undefined :: MLBBoxScoreTeamBreakdown)
+ migrate (undefined :: MLBBoxScoreRunsByInnings)
+ migrate (undefined :: MLBBoxScore_MLBBoxScoreTeamBreakdown)
-- | We insert the message.
dbimport m = do
pickle_team_summary :: PU MLBBoxScoreTeamSummaryXml
pickle_team_summary =
- xpElem "Team_Summary" $ xpWrap (from_tuple, to_tuple') $ xpUnit
+ xpElem "Team_Summary" $ xpWrap (from_tuple, to_tuple') xpUnit
from_tuple _ = MLBBoxScoreTeamSummaryXml
to_tuple' _ = ()
pickle_batter =
xpElem "HRS_Batter_ID" $
xpWrap (from_tuple, H.convert) $
- xp4Tuple (xpAttr "HRS_Batter_FirstName" $ xpText)
- (xpAttr "HRS_Batter_LastName" $ xpText)
- (xpAttr "RBIs" $ xpInt)
+ xp4Tuple (xpAttr "HRS_Batter_FirstName" xpText)
+ (xpAttr "HRS_Batter_LastName" xpText)
+ (xpAttr "RBIs" xpInt)
from_tuple = uncurryN MLBBoxScoreHomerunStatsListingBatter
pickle_pitcher =
xpElem "HRS_Pitcher_ID" $
xpWrap (from_tuple, H.convert) $
- xp4Tuple (xpAttr "HRS_Homeruns_Off_Pitcher" $ xpInt)
- (xpAttr "HRS_Pitcher_FirstName" $ xpText)
- (xpAttr "HRS_Pitcher_LastName" $ xpText)
+ xp4Tuple (xpAttr "HRS_Homeruns_Off_Pitcher" xpInt)
+ (xpAttr "HRS_Pitcher_FirstName" xpText)
+ (xpAttr "HRS_Pitcher_LastName" xpText)
from_tuple = uncurryN MLBBoxScoreHomerunStatsListingPitcherXml
pickle_miscellaneous_game_info :: PU MLBBoxScoreMiscellaneousGameInfoXml
pickle_miscellaneous_game_info =
- xpElem "Miscelaneous_Game_Info" $ xpWrap (from_tuple, to_tuple') $ xpUnit
+ xpElem "Miscelaneous_Game_Info" $ xpWrap (from_tuple, to_tuple') xpUnit
from_tuple _ = MLBBoxScoreMiscellaneousGameInfoXml
to_tuple' _ = ()