--- | The CommandLine module handles parsing of the command-line
--- options. It should more or less be a black box, providing Main
--- with only the information it requires.
-module CommandLine
-( get_cfg,
- help_set,
- help_text,
- parse_errors,
- parse_usernames
-) where
-import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust, isNothing)
-import System.Console.GetOpt
-import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
-import System.Environment (getArgs)
-import Configuration (Cfg(..))
--- | A record containing values for all available options.
-data Options = Options { opt_consumer_key :: Maybe String,
- opt_consumer_secret :: Maybe String,
- opt_access_token :: Maybe String,
- opt_access_secret :: Maybe String,
- opt_heartbeat :: Maybe Int,
- opt_help :: Bool,
- opt_ignore_replies :: Bool,
- opt_ignore_retweets :: Bool,
- opt_sendmail_path :: FilePath,
- opt_from :: Maybe String,
- opt_to :: Maybe String,
- opt_verbose :: Bool }
--- | Constructs an instance of Options, with each of its members set
--- to default values.
-default_options :: Options
-default_options = Options { opt_access_token = Nothing,
- opt_access_secret = Nothing,
- opt_consumer_key = Nothing,
- opt_consumer_secret = Nothing,
- opt_heartbeat = Just 600,
- opt_help = False,
- opt_ignore_replies = False,
- opt_ignore_retweets = False,
- opt_sendmail_path = "/usr/sbin/sendmail",
- opt_from = Nothing,
- opt_to = Nothing,
- opt_verbose = False }
--- | The options list that we construct associates a function with
--- each option. This function is responsible for updating an Options
--- record with the appropriate value.
--- For more information and an example of this idiom, see,
--- <http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/High-level_option_handling_with_GetOpt>
-options :: [OptDescr (Options -> IO Options)]
-options =
- [ Option
- "" ["consumer-key"]
- (ReqArg set_consumer_key "consumer-key")
- "Your Twitter API consumer key.",
- Option
- "" ["consumer-secret"]
- (ReqArg set_consumer_secret "consumer-secret")
- "Your Twitter API consumer secret.",
- Option
- "" ["access-token"]
- (ReqArg set_access_token "access-token")
- "Your Twitter API access token.",
- Option
- "" ["access-secret"]
- (ReqArg set_access_secret "access-secret")
- "Your Twitter API access secret.",
- Option
- "h" ["help"]
- (NoArg set_help)
- "Prints this help message.",
- Option
- "n" ["heartbeat"]
- (ReqArg set_heartbeat "heartbeat")
- "How many seconds to wait between polling.",
- Option
- "t" ["to"]
- (ReqArg set_to "email_address")
- "Send tweets TO email_address.",
- Option
- "f" ["from"]
- (ReqArg set_from "email_address")
- "Send tweets FROM email_address.",
- Option
- "s" ["sendmail-path"]
- (ReqArg set_sendmail_path "sendmail-path")
- "Use sendmail_path to send mail",
- Option
- "i" ["ignore-replies"]
- (NoArg set_ignore_replies)
- "Ignore replies.",
- Option
- "I" ["ignore-retweets"]
- (NoArg set_ignore_retweets)
- "Ignore retweets.",
- Option
- "v" ["verbose"]
- (NoArg set_verbose)
- "Be verbose about stuff."
- ]
--- | Attempt to parse an 'Int' from a 'String'. This is just a 'Maybe'
--- wrapper around 'reads'.
-parse_int :: String -> Maybe Int
-parse_int s =
- case (reads s) of
- [(n,_)] -> Just n
- _ -> Nothing
-set_consumer_key :: String -> Options -> IO Options
-set_consumer_key arg opts =
- return opts { opt_consumer_key = Just arg }
-set_consumer_secret :: String -> Options -> IO Options
-set_consumer_secret arg opts =
- return opts { opt_consumer_secret = Just arg }
-set_access_token :: String -> Options -> IO Options
-set_access_token arg opts =
- return opts { opt_access_token = Just arg }
-set_access_secret :: String -> Options -> IO Options
-set_access_secret arg opts =
- return opts { opt_access_secret = Just arg }
-set_heartbeat :: String -> Options -> IO Options
-set_heartbeat arg opts = do
- let new_heartbeat = parse_int arg
- return opts { opt_heartbeat = new_heartbeat }
-set_help :: Options -> IO Options
-set_help opts =
- return opts { opt_help = True }
-set_ignore_retweets :: Options -> IO Options
-set_ignore_retweets opts =
- return opts { opt_ignore_retweets = True }
-set_ignore_replies :: Options -> IO Options
-set_ignore_replies opts =
- return opts { opt_ignore_replies = True }
-set_verbose :: Options -> IO Options
-set_verbose opts =
- return opts { opt_verbose = True }
-set_sendmail_path :: String -> Options -> IO Options
-set_sendmail_path arg opts =
- return opts { opt_sendmail_path = arg }
-set_to :: String -> Options -> IO Options
-set_to arg opts =
- return opts { opt_to = Just arg }
-set_from :: String -> Options -> IO Options
-set_from arg opts =
- return opts { opt_from = Just arg }
--- | The usage header.
-usage :: String
-usage = "Usage: twat --consumer-key=<key> --consumer-secret=<secret> --access-token=<key> --access-secret=<secret> [-n heartbeat] [-t to_address] [-f from_address] [-s path-to-sendmail] <username1> [username2, [username3]...]"
--- | Was the help option passed?
-help_set :: IO Bool
-help_set = do
- opts <- parse_options
- return (opt_help opts)
--- | The usage header, and all available flags (as generated by GetOpt)
-help_text :: String
-help_text = usageInfo usage options
--- | Return a list of options.
-parse_options :: IO Options
-parse_options = do
- argv <- getArgs
- let (actions, _, _) = getOpt Permute options argv
- -- This will execute each of the functions contained in our options
- -- list, one after another, on a default_options record. The end
- -- result should be an Options instance with all of its members set
- -- correctly.
- foldl (>>=) (return default_options) actions
--- | A list of parse errors relating to the heartbeat.
-heartbeat_errors :: IO [String]
-heartbeat_errors = do
- hb <- parse_heartbeat
- return ["\"heartbeat\" does not appear to be an integer." | isNothing hb ]
--- | Parse errors relating to the list of usernames.
-username_errors :: IO [String]
-username_errors = do
- argv <- getArgs
- let (_, usernames, _) = getOpt Permute options argv
- return [ "no usernames provided." | null usernames ]
--- | Parse errors relating to the "To" address.
-to_errors :: IO [String]
-to_errors = do
- toaddr <- parse_to_address
- fromaddr <- parse_from_address
- return ["\"from\" address specified without \"to\" address."
- | (isNothing toaddr) && (isJust fromaddr) ]
--- | Errors for the sendmail path argument.
-sendmail_path_errors :: IO [String]
-sendmail_path_errors = do
- sendmail <- parse_sendmail_path
- exists <- doesFileExist sendmail
- return [ "sendmail path does not exist" | not exists ]
--- | Parse errors relating to the "From" address.
-from_errors :: IO [String]
-from_errors = do
- toaddr <- parse_to_address
- fromaddr <- parse_from_address
- return [ "\"to\" address specified without \"from\" address."
- | (isJust toaddr) && (isNothing fromaddr) ]
--- | Format an error message for printing.
-format_error :: String -> String
-format_error err = "ERROR: " ++ err ++ "\n"
--- | Return a list of all parse errors.
-parse_errors :: IO [String]
-parse_errors = do
- argv <- getArgs
- let (_, _, errors) = getOpt Permute options argv
- errs_heartbeat <- heartbeat_errors
- errs_username <- username_errors
- errs_to <- to_errors
- errs_from <- from_errors
- errs_sendmail <- sendmail_path_errors
- return $ map format_error (errors ++
- errs_heartbeat ++
- errs_username ++
- errs_sendmail ++
- errs_to ++
- errs_from)
--- | What's the heartbeat?
-parse_heartbeat :: IO (Maybe Int)
-parse_heartbeat = do
- opts <- parse_options
- return (opt_heartbeat opts)
--- | What "To" address was given on the command line?
-parse_to_address :: IO (Maybe String)
-parse_to_address = do
- opts <- parse_options
- return (opt_to opts)
--- | What sendmail path was given on the command line?
-parse_sendmail_path :: IO FilePath
-parse_sendmail_path = do
- opts <- parse_options
- return (opt_sendmail_path opts)
--- | What "From" address was given on the command line?
-parse_from_address :: IO (Maybe String)
-parse_from_address = do
- opts <- parse_options
- return (opt_from opts)
--- | What usernames were passed on the command line?
-parse_usernames :: IO [String]
-parse_usernames = do
- argv <- getArgs
- let (_, usernames, _) = getOpt Permute options argv
- return usernames
--- | Construct a Cfg object from the command line options assuming
--- there are no errors.
-get_cfg :: IO Cfg
-get_cfg = do
- opts <- parse_options
- return Cfg { consumer_key = fromJust $ opt_consumer_key opts,
- consumer_secret = fromJust $ opt_consumer_secret opts,
- access_token = fromJust $ opt_access_token opts,
- access_secret = fromJust $ opt_access_secret opts,
- heartbeat = fromJust $ opt_heartbeat opts,
- ignore_replies = opt_ignore_replies opts,
- ignore_retweets = opt_ignore_retweets opts,
- sendmail_path = opt_sendmail_path opts,
- from_address = opt_from opts,
- to_address = opt_to opts,
- verbose = opt_verbose opts }
+module CommandLine (
+ apply_args,
+ show_help
+ )
+import System.Console.CmdArgs
+import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit (process)
+import System.Environment (getArgs, withArgs)
+import System.Exit (ExitCode(..), exitWith)
+import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
+-- Get the version from Cabal.
+import Paths_twat (version)
+import Data.Version (showVersion)
+import OptionalConfiguration
+import ExitCodes
+description :: String
+description = "Twat twats tweets so you don't have to twitter."
+program_name :: String
+program_name = "twat"
+my_summary :: String
+my_summary = program_name ++ "-" ++ (showVersion version)
+consumer_key_help :: String
+consumer_key_help = "Your Twitter API consumer key"
+consumer_secret_help :: String
+consumer_secret_help = "Your Twitter API consumer secret"
+access_token_help :: String
+access_token_help = "Your Twitter API access token"
+access_secret_help :: String
+access_secret_help = "Your Twitter API access secret"
+heartbeat_help :: String
+heartbeat_help = "How many seconds to wait between polling"
+to_address_help :: String
+to_address_help = "Send tweets to ADDRESS"
+from_address_help :: String
+from_address_help = "Send tweets from ADDRESS"
+sendmail_path_help :: String
+sendmail_path_help = "Use PATH to send mail"
+ignore_replies_help :: String
+ignore_replies_help = "Ignore replies to other tweets"
+ignore_retweets_help :: String
+ignore_retweets_help = "Ignore retweets from other users"
+verbose_help :: String
+verbose_help = "Be verbose about stuff"
+arg_spec :: Mode (CmdArgs OptionalCfg)
+arg_spec =
+ cmdArgsMode $
+ OptionalCfg {
+ consumer_key =
+ def &= typ "KEY"
+ &= groupname "Twitter API"
+ &= help consumer_key_help,
+ consumer_secret =
+ def &= typ "SECRET"
+ &= groupname "Twitter API"
+ &= help consumer_secret_help,
+ access_token =
+ def &= typ "TOKEN"
+ &= groupname "Twitter API"
+ &= help access_token_help,
+ access_secret =
+ def &= typ "SECRET"
+ &= groupname "Twitter API"
+ &= help access_secret_help,
+ heartbeat =
+ def &= groupname "Miscellaneous"
+ &= help heartbeat_help,
+ ignore_replies =
+ def &= groupname "Miscellaneous"
+ &= help ignore_replies_help,
+ ignore_retweets =
+ def &= groupname "Miscellaneous"
+ &= help ignore_retweets_help,
+ verbose =
+ def &= groupname "Miscellaneous"
+ &= help verbose_help,
+ sendmail_path =
+ def &= typ "PATH"
+ &= groupname "Mail Options"
+ &= help sendmail_path_help,
+ from_address =
+ def &= typ "ADDRESS"
+ &= groupname "Mail Options"
+ &= help from_address_help,
+ to_address =
+ def &= typ "ADDRESS"
+ &= groupname "Mail Options"
+ &= help to_address_help,
+ usernames =
+ def &= args
+ &= typ "USERNAMES" }
+ &= program program_name
+ &= summary my_summary
+ &= details [description]
+ &= helpArg [groupname "Common flags"]
+ &= versionArg [groupname "Common flags"]
+show_help :: IO (CmdArgs OptionalCfg)
+show_help = withArgs ["--help"] parse_args
+parse_args :: IO (CmdArgs OptionalCfg)
+parse_args = do
+ x <- getArgs
+ let y = process arg_spec x
+ case y of
+ Right result -> return result
+ Left err -> do
+ hPutStrLn stderr err
+ exitWith (ExitFailure exit_args_parse_failed)
+-- | Really get the command-line arguments. This calls 'parse_args'
+-- first to replace the default "wrong number of arguments" error,
+-- and then runs 'cmdArgsApply' on the result to do what the
+-- 'cmdArgs' function usually does.
+apply_args :: IO OptionalCfg
+apply_args =
+ parse_args >>= cmdArgsApply