zsize = (length fvs) - 1
ysize = (length $ head fvs) - 1
xsize = (length $ head $ head fvs) - 1
+-- | Takes a grid and a position as an argument and returns the cube
+-- centered on that position. If there is no cube there (i.e. the
+-- position is outside of the grid), it will return Nothing.
+cube_at :: Grid -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Cube
+cube_at g i j k
+ | i < 0 = Nothing
+ | j < 0 = Nothing
+ | k < 0 = Nothing
+ | i >= length (cubes g) = Nothing
+ | j >= length ((cubes g) !! i) = Nothing
+ | k >= length (((cubes g) !! i) !! j) = Nothing
+ | otherwise = Just $ (((cubes g) !! i) !! j) !! k