import System.Console.CmdArgs.Default ( Default(..) )
-import qualified OptionalConfiguration as OC ( OptionalConfiguration(..) )
+import qualified OptionalConfiguration as OC (
+ OptionalConfiguration(..),
+ merge_maybes )
-- | The main configuration data type. This will be passed to most of
-- the important functions once it has been created.
data Configuration =
Configuration {
both :: Bool,
- database :: String,
+ database :: Maybe String,
detail :: Bool,
- host :: String,
- password :: String,
- port :: Int,
- username :: String }
+ host :: Maybe String,
+ password :: Maybe String,
+ port :: Maybe Int,
+ username :: Maybe String }
deriving (Show)
-- | A Configuration with all of its fields set to their default
instance Default Configuration where
def = Configuration {
both = def,
- database = "postfixadmin",
+ database = def,
detail = def,
- host = "localhost",
+ host = def,
password = def,
- port = 5432,
- username = "postgres" }
+ port = def,
+ username = def }
-- | Merge a 'Configuration' with an 'OptionalConfiguration'. This is
-- more or less the Monoid instance for 'OptionalConfiguration', but
merge_optional cfg opt_cfg =
(merge (both cfg) (OC.both opt_cfg))
- (merge (database cfg) (OC.database opt_cfg))
+ (OC.merge_maybes (database cfg) (OC.database opt_cfg))
(merge (detail cfg) (OC.detail opt_cfg))
- (merge (host cfg) ( opt_cfg))
- (merge (password cfg) (OC.password opt_cfg))
- (merge (port cfg) (OC.port opt_cfg))
- (merge (username cfg) (OC.username opt_cfg))
+ (OC.merge_maybes (host cfg) ( opt_cfg))
+ (OC.merge_maybes (password cfg) (OC.password opt_cfg))
+ (OC.merge_maybes (port cfg) (OC.port opt_cfg))
+ (OC.merge_maybes (username cfg) (OC.username opt_cfg))
-- | If the thing on the right is Just something, return that
-- something, otherwise return the thing on the left.
module Main
+import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
import Data.Monoid ( (<>) )
+import Data.String.Utils ( join )
import Database.HDBC.PostgreSQL ( connectPostgreSQL )
import System.Console.CmdArgs ( def )
import qualified OptionalConfiguration as OC ( from_rc )
import Report ( report )
+-- | Construct a connection string (postgres-only, for now) from a
+-- 'Configuration'. All of these are optional, at least for
+-- Postgres, and so we want to avoid appending e.g. \"host=\" to the
+-- connection string if @(host cfg)@ is 'Nothing'.
+-- Examples:
+-- >>> let default_cfg = def :: Configuration
+-- >>> let cfg = default_cfg { host = Just "localhost" }
+-- >>> connection_string cfg
+-- "host=localhost"
+-- >>> let cfg2 = cfg { username = Just "postgres" }
+-- >>> connection_string cfg2
+-- "host=localhost user=postgres"
connection_string :: Configuration -> String
connection_string cfg =
- "host=" ++ (host cfg) ++ " " ++
- "port=" ++ (show $ port cfg) ++ " " ++
- "user=" ++ (username cfg) ++ " " ++
- "password=" ++ (password cfg) ++ " " ++
- "dbname=" ++ (database cfg)
+ trim $ join " " [host_part, port_part, user_part, pw_part, db_part]
+ where
+ -- | Strip leading/trailing whitespace, and collapse multiple
+ -- consecutive spaces into one.
+ trim :: String -> String
+ trim = unwords . words
+ host_part = let h = fmap ("host=" ++) (host cfg) in fromMaybe "" h
+ port_part = let p = fmap (("port=" ++) . show) (port cfg) in fromMaybe "" p
+ user_part = let u = fmap ("user=" ++) (username cfg) in fromMaybe "" u
+ pw_part = let pw = fmap ("password=" ++) (password cfg) in fromMaybe "" pw
+ db_part = let db = fmap ("dbname=" ++) (database cfg) in fromMaybe "" db
main :: IO ()
main = do
module OptionalConfiguration (
- from_rc )
+ from_rc,
+ merge_maybes )
import qualified Data.Configurator as DC (