module LWN.HTTP
+import qualified Data.ByteString as B (hPut)
import Network.Curl (
+import Network.Curl.Download (openURI)
+import System.Directory (getTemporaryDirectory)
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
+import System.IO.Temp (openBinaryTempFile)
+import LWN.URI (filename)
login_url :: URLString
login_url = ""
curl_opts :: [CurlOption]
curl_opts = default_curl_opts ++ post_opts
+-- | Save the image at 'url'. Saves to a temporary file, and
+-- returns the path to that file if successful. Otherwise,
+-- returns 'Nothing'.
+-- We need to be able to parse the filename out of the URL
+-- so that when we stick our image in the document, the reader
+-- knows that type (jpg, png, etc.) it is.
+save_image :: URLString -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
+save_image url = do
+ let fn = filename url
+ case fn of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just file -> do
+ temp_dir <- getTemporaryDirectory
+ (out_path, out_handle) <- openBinaryTempFile temp_dir file
+ result <- openURI url
+ case result of
+ Left err -> do
+ hPutStrLn stderr ("HTTP Error: " ++ err)
+ return Nothing
+ Right bs -> do
+ B.hPut out_handle bs
+ return $ Just out_path
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
+import Data.String.Utils (split)
import Network.URI (
+ parseURIReference,
parse_result = parseAbsoluteURI s
+filename :: URL -> Maybe String
+filename url =
+ case parse_result of
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ Just uri ->
+ let components = split "/" (uriPath uri) in
+ -- Reverse them so that the filename comes first for easier
+ -- pattern-matching.
+ let reverse_components = reverse components in
+ case reverse_components of
+ [] -> Nothing
+ (x:xs) -> Just x
+ where
+ parse_result = parseURIReference url
-- | A List of LWN URLs to use during testing.
lwn_urls :: [URL]
lwn_urls = [ proto ++ www ++ "" ++ path ++ bigpage ++ query |
url = ""
uri = fromJust $ parseAbsoluteURI url
+test_bare_filename_parsed :: Assertion
+test_bare_filename_parsed =
+ assertEqual "Filename is 'example.jpg'" "example.jpg" actual_result
+ where
+ url = "example.jpg"
+ actual_result = fromJust $ filename url
+test_absolute_filename_parsed :: Assertion
+test_absolute_filename_parsed =
+ assertEqual "Filename is 'example.jpg'" "example.jpg" actual_result
+ where
+ url = ""
+ actual_result = fromJust $ filename url
+test_relative_filename_parsed :: Assertion
+test_relative_filename_parsed =
+ assertEqual "Filename is 'example.jpg'" "example.jpg" actual_result
+ where
+ url = "/one/two/example.jpg"
+ actual_result = fromJust $ filename url
uri_tests :: Test
uri_tests =
testGroup "URI Tests" [
- testCase "HTTP URIs matched" test_http_uris_matched,
- testCase "HTTPS URIs matched" test_https_uris_matched,
- testCase "LWN URLs matched" test_lwn_urls_matched ]
+ testGroup "URI Matching" [
+ testCase "HTTP URIs matched" test_http_uris_matched,
+ testCase "HTTPS URIs matched" test_https_uris_matched,
+ testCase "LWN URLs matched" test_lwn_urls_matched ],
+ testGroup "Filename Parsing" [
+ testCase "Bare filename parsed" test_bare_filename_parsed,
+ testCase "Absolute filename parsed" test_absolute_filename_parsed,
+ testCase "Relative filename parsed" test_relative_filename_parsed ] ]