Sometimes having a full Part : Section hierarchy is too much. We can
now use only sections, and the part titles (and the colon separators)
will be gracefully omitted.
% Create a slide introducing new sections.
- \frametitle{Part \thepart, Section \thesection}
+ \frametitle{
+ \ifx\insertpart\@empty%
+ \else%
+ Part \thepart, %
+ \fi%
+ Section \thesection
+ }
- \usebeamerfont{title}\insertpart: \insertsectionhead\par%
+ \usebeamerfont{title}
+ \ifx\insertpart\@empty%
+ \else%
+ \insertpart: %
+ \fi%
+ \insertsectionhead\par%
% Define a new ``partsecframe'' environment that uses a default frame
% title of ``<part>: <section>'' when no other frame title is given.
-\newenvironment{partsecframe}[1][\insertpart: \insertsectionhead]
+ \ifx\insertpart\@empty%
+ \else%
+ \insertpart: %
+ \fi%
+ \insertsectionhead%