--- /dev/null
+function A = poisson_matrix(integerN, x0, xN)
+ ##
+ ## In the numerical solution of the poisson equation,
+ ##
+ ## -u''(x) = f(x)
+ ##
+ ## in one dimension, subject to the boundary conditions,
+ ##
+ ## u(x0) = 0
+ ## u(xN) = 1
+ ##
+ ## over the interval [x0,xN], we need to compute a matrix A which
+ ## is then multiplied by the vector of u(x0), ..., u(xN). The entries
+ ## of A are determined from the second order finite difference formula,
+ ## i.e. the second order forward Euler method.
+ ##
+ ## INPUTS:
+ ##
+ ## * ``integerN`` - An integer representing the number of
+ ## subintervals we should use to approximate `u`. Must be
+ ## greater than or equal to 2, since we have at least two
+ ## values for u(x0) and u(xN).
+ ##
+ ## * ``f`` - The function on the right hand side of the poisson
+ ## equation.
+ ##
+ ## * ``x0`` - The initial point.
+ ##
+ ## * ``xN`` - The terminal point.
+ ##
+ ##
+ ## * ``A`` - The (N+1)x(N+1) matrix of coefficients for u(x0),
+ ## ..., u(xN).
+ if (integerN < 2)
+ A = NA
+ return
+ end
+ [xs,h] = partition(integerN, x0, xN);
+ ## We cannot evaluate u_xx at the endpoints because our
+ ## differentiation algorithm relies on the points directly to the left
+ ## and right of `x`.
+ differentiable_points = xs(2:end-1);
+ ## These are the coefficient vectors for the u(x0) and u(xn)
+ ## constraints. There should be N zeros and a single 1.
+ the_rest_zeros = zeros(1, integerN);
+ u_x0_coeffs = cat(2, 1, the_rest_zeros);
+ u_xN_coeffs = cat(2, the_rest_zeros, 1);
+ ## Start with the u(x0) row.
+ A = u_x0_coeffs;
+ for x = differentiable_points
+ ## Append each row obtained from the forward Euler method to A.
+ u_row = forward_euler(2, xs, x);
+ A = cat(1, A, u_row);
+ end
+ ## Finally, append the last row for xN.
+ A = cat(1, A, u_xN_coeffs);