--- /dev/null
+# This is a wrapper around the "mutt" executable that takes the number
+# of columns and lines present in the terminal as its first and second
+# arguments. This works around an issue where launching "mutt" right
+# away in a brand-new terminal launches it before the COLUMNS and
+# LINES variables are set, and thus before "tput" knows how wide the
+# terminal is.
+# You will have to manually compute the right number of columns/rows
+# by launching a terminal of your preferred size/font and then using
+# "tput cols" and "tput lines" to figure out how many columns/lines
+# it has.
+if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
+ echo "Usage: mutt-launcher <ncols> <nrows> [other-args]"
+ exit 1
+export COLUMNS="${1}"
+export LINES="${1}"
+exec mutt "${@}"