{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
--- | Parse TSN XML for the DTD \"earlylineXML.dtd\". Each \<message\>
--- element contains a bunch of \<date\>s, and those \<date\>s
--- contain a single \<game\>. In the database, we merge the date
--- info into the games, and key the games to the messages.
+-- | Parse TSN XML for the DTD \"earlylineXML.dtd\". For that DTD,
+-- each \<message\> element contains a bunch of \<date\>s, and those
+-- \<date\>s contain a single \<game\>. In the database, we merge
+-- the date info into the games, and key the games to the messages.
+-- Real life is not so simple, however. There is another module,
+-- "TSN.XML.MLBEarlyLine" that is something of a subclass of this
+-- one. It contains early lines, but only for MLB games. The data
+-- types and XML schema are /almost/ the same, but TSN like to make
+-- things difficult.
+-- A full list of the differences is given in that module. In this
+-- one, we mention where data types have been twerked a little to
+-- support the second document type.
module TSN.XML.EarlyLine (
+ EarlyLine, -- Used in TSN.XML.MLBEarlyLine
+ EarlyLineGame, -- Used in TSN.XML.MLBEarlyLine
-- * Tests
-- System imports.
-import Control.Monad ( forM_ )
+import Control.Monad ( join )
import Data.Time ( UTCTime(..) )
import Data.Tuple.Curry ( uncurryN )
import Database.Groundhog (
import Text.XML.HXT.Core (
+ xp6Tuple,
+ xpPair,
- xpTriple,
xpWrap )
-- Local imports.
dtd = "earlylineXML.dtd"
--- DB/XML data types
+-- * DB/XML data types
-- * EarlyLine/Message
--- * EarlyLineDate
+-- * EarlyLineDate / EarlyLineGameWithNote
+-- | This is a very sad data type. It exists so that we can
+-- successfully unpickle/pickle the MLB_earlylineXML.dtd documents
+-- and get back what we started with. In that document type, the
+-- dates all have multiple \<game\>s associated with them (as
+-- children). But the dates also have multiple \<note\>s as
+-- children, and we're supposed to figure out which notes go with
+-- which games based on the order that they appear in the XML
+-- file. Yeah, right.
+-- In any case, instead of expecting the games and notes in some
+-- nice order, we use this data type to expect \"a game and maybe a
+-- note\" multiple times. This will pair the notes with only one
+-- game, rather than all of the games that TSN think it should go
+-- with. But it allows us to pickle and unpickle correctly at least.
+data EarlyLineGameWithNote =
+ EarlyLineGameWithNote {
+ date_note :: Maybe String,
+ date_game :: EarlyLineGameXml }
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | XML representation of a \<date\>. It has a \"value\" attribute
-- containing the actual date string. As children it contains a
data EarlyLineDate =
EarlyLineDate {
date_value :: UTCTime,
- date_note :: String,
- date_game :: EarlyLineGameXml }
+ date_games_with_notes :: [EarlyLineGameWithNote] }
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- * EarlyLineGame / EarlyLineGameXml
+-- | Database representation of a \<game\> in earlylineXML.dtd and
+-- MLB_earlylineXML.dtd. We've had to make a sacrifice here to
+-- support both document types. Since it's not possible to pair the
+-- \<note\>s with \<game\>s reliably in MLB_earlylineXML.dtd, we
+-- have omitted the notes entirely. This is sad, but totally not our
+-- fault.
+-- In earlylineXML.dtd, each \<date\> and thus each \<note\> is
+-- paired with exactly one \<game\>, so if we only cared about that
+-- document type, we could have retained the notes.
+-- In earlylinexml.DTD, the over/under is required, but in
+-- MLB_earlylinexml.DTD it is not. So another compromise is to have
+-- it optional here.
+-- The 'db_game_time' should be the combined date/time using the
+-- date value from the \<game\> element's containing
+-- \<date\>. That's why EarlyLineGame isn't an instance of
+-- 'FromXmlFk': the foreign key isn't enough to construct one, we
+-- also need the date.
data EarlyLineGame =
EarlyLineGame {
db_early_lines_id :: DefaultKey EarlyLine,
db_game_time :: UTCTime, -- ^ Combined date/time
- db_note :: String, -- ^ Taken from the parent \<date\>
db_away_team :: EarlyLineGameTeam,
db_home_team :: EarlyLineGameTeam,
- db_over_under :: String }
+ db_over_under :: Maybe String }
+-- | XML representation of a 'EarlyLineGame'. Comparatively, it lacks
+-- only the foreign key to the parent message.
data EarlyLineGameXml =
EarlyLineGameXml {
xml_game_time :: UTCTime, -- ^ Only an ambiguous time string, e.g. \"8:30\"
- xml_away_team :: EarlyLineGameTeam,
- xml_home_team :: EarlyLineGameTeam,
- xml_over_under :: String }
+ xml_away_team :: EarlyLineGameTeamXml,
+ xml_home_team :: EarlyLineGameTeamXml,
+ xml_over_under :: Maybe String }
deriving (Eq, Show)
--- | XML representation of an earlyline team. It doubles as an
+-- * EarlyLineGameTeam / EarlyLineGameTeamXml
+-- | Database representation of an EarlyLine team, used in both
+-- earlylineXML.dtd and MLB_earlylineXML.dtd. It doubles as an
-- embedded type within the DB representation 'EarlyLineGame'.
+-- The team name is /not/ optional. However, since we're overloading
+-- the XML representation, we're constructing 'db_team_name' name
+-- from two Maybes, 'xml_team_name_attr' and
+-- 'xml_team_name_text'. To ensure type safety (and avoid a runtime
+-- crash), we allow the database field to be optional as well.
data EarlyLineGameTeam =
EarlyLineGameTeam {
db_rotation_number :: Int,
db_line :: Maybe String, -- ^ Can be blank, a Double, or \"off\".
- db_team_name :: String }
+ db_team_name :: Maybe String, -- ^ NOT optional, see the data type docs.
+ db_pitcher :: Maybe String -- ^ Optional in MLB_earlylineXML.dtd,
+ -- always absent in earlylineXML.dtd.
+ }
+-- | This here is an abomination. What we've got is an XML
+-- representation, not for either earlylineXML.dtd or
+-- MLB_earlylineXML.dtd, but one that will work for /both/. Even
+-- though they represent the teams totally differently! Argh!
+-- The earlylineXML.dtd teams look like,
+-- \<teamA rotation=\"709\" line=\"\">Miami\</teamA\>
+-- While the MLB_earlylineXML.dtd teams look like,
+-- <teamA rotation="901" name="LOS">
+-- <pitcher>D.Haren</pitcher>
+-- <line>-130</line>
+-- </teamA>
+-- So that's cool. This data type has placeholders that should allow
+-- the name/line to appear either as an attribute or as a text
+-- node. We'll sort it all out in the conversion to
+-- EarlyLineGameTeam.
+data EarlyLineGameTeamXml =
+ EarlyLineGameTeamXml {
+ xml_rotation_number :: Int,
+ xml_line_attr :: Maybe String,
+ xml_team_name_attr :: Maybe String,
+ xml_team_name_text :: Maybe String,
+ xml_pitcher :: Maybe String,
+ xml_line_elem :: Maybe String }
deriving (Eq, Show)
--- | Convert an 'EarlyLineDate' into an 'EarlyLineGame'. Each date has
--- exactly one game, and the fields that belong to the date should
--- really be in the game anyway. So the database representation of a
--- game has the combined fields of the XML date/game.
+instance ToDb EarlyLineGameTeamXml where
+ -- | The database analogue of a 'EarlyLineGameTeamXml' is an
+ -- 'EarlyLineGameTeam', although the DB type is merely embedded
+ -- in another type.
+ --
+ type Db EarlyLineGameTeamXml = EarlyLineGameTeam
+-- | The 'FromXml' instance for 'EarlyLineGameTeamXml' lets us convert
+-- it to a 'EarlyLineGameTeam' easily.
--- This function gets the game out of a date, and then sticks the
--- date value and note inside the game. It also adds the foreign key
--- reference to the game's parent message, and returns the result.
+instance FromXml EarlyLineGameTeamXml where
+ -- | To convert a 'EarlyLineGameTeamXml' to an 'EarlyLineGameTeam',
+ -- we figure how its fields were represented and choose the ones
+ -- that are populated. For example if the \"line\" attribute was
+ -- there, we'll use it, but if now, we'll use the \<line\>
+ -- element.
+ --
+ from_xml EarlyLineGameTeamXml{..} =
+ EarlyLineGameTeam {
+ db_rotation_number = xml_rotation_number,
+ db_line = merge xml_line_attr xml_line_elem,
+ db_team_name = merge xml_team_name_attr xml_team_name_text,
+ db_pitcher = xml_pitcher }
+ where
+ merge :: Maybe String -> Maybe String -> Maybe String
+ merge Nothing y = y
+ merge x Nothing = x
+ merge _ _ = Nothing
+-- | Convert an 'EarlyLineDate' into a list of 'EarlyLineGame's. Each
+-- date has one or more games, and the fields that belong to the date
+-- should really be in the game anyway. So the database
+-- representation of a game has the combined fields of the XML
+-- date/game.
-date_to_game :: (DefaultKey EarlyLine) -> EarlyLineDate -> EarlyLineGame
-date_to_game fk date =
- EarlyLineGame {
- db_early_lines_id = fk,
- db_game_time = combined_date_time,
- db_note = (date_note date),
- db_away_team = xml_away_team (date_game date),
- db_home_team = xml_home_team (date_game date),
- db_over_under = xml_over_under (date_game date) }
+-- This function gets the games out of a date, and then sticks the
+-- date value inside the games. It also adds the foreign key
+-- reference to the games' parent message, and returns the result.
+-- This would convert a single date to a single game if we only
+-- needed to support earlylineXML.dtd and not MLB_earlylineXML.dtd.
+date_to_games :: (DefaultKey EarlyLine) -> EarlyLineDate -> [EarlyLineGame]
+date_to_games fk date =
+ map convert_game games_only
- date_part = date_value date
- time_part = xml_game_time (date_game date)
- combined_date_time = UTCTime (utctDay date_part) (utctDayTime time_part)
+ -- | Get the list of games out of a date (i.e. drop the notes).
+ --
+ games_only :: [EarlyLineGameXml]
+ games_only = (map date_game (date_games_with_notes date))
+ -- | Stick the date value into the given game.
+ --
+ combine_date_time :: EarlyLineGameXml -> UTCTime
+ combine_date_time elgx =
+ UTCTime (utctDay $ date_value date) (utctDayTime $ xml_game_time elgx)
+ -- | Convert an XML game to a database one.
+ --
+ convert_game :: EarlyLineGameXml -> EarlyLineGame
+ convert_game gx =
+ EarlyLineGame {
+ db_early_lines_id = fk,
+ db_game_time = combine_date_time gx,
+ db_away_team = from_xml (xml_away_team gx),
+ db_home_team = from_xml (xml_home_team gx),
+ db_over_under = xml_over_under gx }
-- * Database stuff
-- Insert the message and obtain its ID.
msg_id <- insert_xml m
- -- Now loop through the message's <date>s.
- forM_ (xml_dates m) $ \date -> do
- -- Each date only contains one game, so we convert the date to a
- -- game and then insert the game (keyed to the message).
- let game = date_to_game msg_id date
- insert_ game
+ -- Create a function that will turn a list of dates into a list of
+ -- games by converting each date to its own list of games, and
+ -- then concatenating all of the game lists together.
+ let convert_dates_to_games = concatMap (date_to_games msg_id)
+ -- Now use it to make dem games.
+ let games = convert_dates_to_games (xml_dates m)
+ -- And insert all of them
+ mapM_ insert_ games
return ImportSucceeded
- {name: rotation_number, dbName: away_team_rotation_number}
- {name: line, dbName: away_team_line}
- {name: team_name, dbName: away_team_name}
+ - {name: pitcher, dbName: away_team_pitcher}
- name: db_home_team
- {name: rotation_number, dbName: home_team_rotation_number}
- {name: line, dbName: home_team_line}
- {name: team_name, dbName: home_team_name}
+ - {name: pitcher, dbName: home_team_pitcher}
- embedded: EarlyLineGameTeam
dbName: line
- name: db_team_name
dbName: team_name
+ - name: db_pitcher
+ dbName: pitcher
xml_time_stamp m)
+-- | Pickler for a '\<note\> followed by a \<game\>. We turn them into
+-- a 'EarlyLineGameWithNote'.
+pickle_game_with_note :: PU EarlyLineGameWithNote
+pickle_game_with_note =
+ xpWrap (from_tuple, to_tuple) $
+ xpPair (xpOption $ xpElem "note" xpText)
+ pickle_game
+ where
+ from_tuple = uncurry EarlyLineGameWithNote
+ to_tuple m = (date_note m, date_game m)
-- | Pickler for the \<date\> elements within each \<message\>.
pickle_date :: PU EarlyLineDate
pickle_date =
xpElem "date" $
xpWrap (from_tuple, to_tuple) $
- xpTriple (xpAttr "value" xp_early_line_date)
- (xpElem "note" xpText)
- pickle_game
+ xpPair (xpAttr "value" xp_early_line_date)
+ (xpList pickle_game_with_note)
- from_tuple = uncurryN EarlyLineDate
- to_tuple m = (date_value m, date_note m, date_game m)
+ from_tuple = uncurry EarlyLineDate
+ to_tuple m = (date_value m, date_games_with_notes m)
--- | Pickler for the \<game\> element within each \<date\>.
+-- | Pickler for the \<game\> elements within each \<date\>.
pickle_game :: PU EarlyLineGameXml
pickle_game =
xp4Tuple (xpElem "time" xp_ambiguous_time)
- (xpElem "over_under" xpText)
+ (xpElem "over_under" (xpOption xpText))
from_tuple = uncurryN EarlyLineGameXml
to_tuple m = (xml_game_time m,
-- of the work (common with the home team pickler) is done by
-- 'pickle_team'.
-pickle_away_team :: PU EarlyLineGameTeam
+pickle_away_team :: PU EarlyLineGameTeamXml
pickle_away_team = xpElem "teamA" pickle_team
-- of the work (common with theaway team pickler) is done by
-- 'pickle_team'.
-pickle_home_team :: PU EarlyLineGameTeam
+pickle_home_team :: PU EarlyLineGameTeamXml
pickle_home_team = xpElem "teamH" pickle_team
-- | Team pickling common to both 'pickle_away_team' and
-- 'pickle_home_team'. Handles everything inside the \<teamA\> and
--- \<teamH\> elements.
+-- \<teamH\> elements. We try to parse the line/name as both an
+-- attribute and an element in order to accomodate
+-- MLB_earlylineXML.dtd.
+-- The \"line\" and \"pitcher\" fields wind up being double-Maybes,
+-- since they can be empty even if they exist.
-pickle_team :: PU EarlyLineGameTeam
+pickle_team :: PU EarlyLineGameTeamXml
pickle_team =
xpWrap (from_tuple, to_tuple) $
- xpTriple (xpAttr "rotation" xpInt)
- (xpAttr "line" (xpOption xpText))
- xpText
+ xp6Tuple (xpAttr "rotation" xpInt)
+ (xpOption $ xpAttr "line" (xpOption xpText))
+ (xpOption $ xpAttr "name" xpText)
+ (xpOption xpText)
+ (xpOption $ xpElem "pitcher" (xpOption xpText))
+ (xpOption $ xpElem "line" (xpOption xpText))
- from_tuple = uncurryN EarlyLineGameTeam
- to_tuple m = (db_rotation_number m, db_line m, db_team_name m)
+ from_tuple (u,v,w,x,y,z) =
+ EarlyLineGameTeamXml u (join v) w x (join y) (join z)
+ to_tuple (EarlyLineGameTeamXml u v w x y z) =
+ (u, double_just v, w, x, double_just y, double_just z)
+ where
+ double_just val = case val of
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ just_something -> Just just_something