module DNS (
+ NormalDomain,
- normalize_string_domain )
+ normalize_string )
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS ( pack, unpack )
withResolver )
--- | A map from domain names (represented as 'String's) to sets of
--- mail exchanger names (also represented as 'String's).
+-- | A type-safe wrapper around a domain name (represented as a
+-- string) that ensures we've created it by calling
+-- 'normalize_string'. This prevents us from making
+-- comparisons on un-normalized 'Domain's or 'String's.
+newtype NormalDomain =
+ NormalDomain String
+ deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )
+-- | A set of mail exchanger names, represented as 'String's. The use
+-- of 'NormalDomain' prevents us from constructing a set of names
+-- that aren't normalized first.
-type MxSetMap = Map String MxSet
+type MxSet = Set NormalDomain
--- | A set of mail exchanger names, represented as 'String's.
-type MxSet = Set String
+-- | A map from domain names (represented as 'String's) to sets of
+-- mail exchanger names (also represented as 'String's). The use of
+-- 'NormalDomain' in the key prevents us from using keys that aren't
+-- normalized; this is important because we'll be using them for
+-- lookups and want e.g. \"\" and \"\" to look up the
+-- same MX records.
+type MxSetMap = Map NormalDomain MxSet
-- | Normalize a domain name string by converting to a 'Domain',
-- ==== __Examples__
--- >>> normalize_string_domain ""
--- ""
+-- >>> normalize_string ""
+-- NormalDomain ""
-normalize_string_domain :: String -> String
-normalize_string_domain = BS.unpack . normalize . BS.pack
+normalize_string :: String -> NormalDomain
+normalize_string = NormalDomain . BS.unpack . normalize . BS.pack
-- | Retrieve all MX records for the given domain. This is somewhat
-- domain name in the first component and a set of its mail
-- exchangers (as strings) in the second component.
- make_pair :: Domain -> IO (String, Set String)
+ make_pair :: Domain -> IO (NormalDomain, Set NormalDomain)
make_pair domain = do
-- Lookup the @domain@'s MX records.
mx_list <- lookup_mxs domain
- -- Now convert the MX records *back* to strings.
- let string_mx_list = map BS.unpack mx_list
+ -- Now convert the MX records *back* to strings, and then to
+ -- NormalDomains
+ let normal_mx_list = map (normalize_string . BS.unpack) mx_list
+ -- Convert the list into a set...
+ let normal_mx_set = Set.fromList normal_mx_list
- -- Convert the list into a set
- let string_mx_set = Set.fromList string_mx_list
+ -- The lookup key.
+ let normal_domain = normalize_string $ BS.unpack domain
-- Finally, construct the pair and return it.
- return (BS.unpack domain, string_mx_set)
+ return (normal_domain, normal_mx_set)
import Data.String.Utils ( split, strip )
-import DNS ( normalize_string_domain )
+import DNS ( NormalDomain, normalize_string )
-- | Type synonym to make the signatures below a little more clear.
-- WARNING: Also defined in the "Report" module.
parts = split "@" address
--- | Given a list of 'Domain's @domains@ and a list of 'Forward's
+-- | Given a list of 'NormalDomain's @domains@ and a list of 'Forward's
-- @forwards@, filter out all elements of @forwards@ that have a
-- goto domain in the list of @domains@.
-- ==== __Examples__
--- >>> let ds = ["", ""]
+-- >>> let ds = map normalize_string ["", ""]
-- >>> let f1 = fwd "" ""
-- >>> let f2 = fwd "" ""
-- >>> let f3 = fwd "" ""
-- >>> map pretty_print (dropby_goto_domains ds [f1,f2,f3])
-- [" ->"]
-dropby_goto_domains :: [Domain] -> [Forward] -> [Forward]
-dropby_goto_domains domains =
+dropby_goto_domains :: [NormalDomain] -> [Forward] -> [Forward]
+dropby_goto_domains normal_domains =
filter (not . is_bad)
- -- If we don't normalize these first, comparison (i.e. `elem`)
- -- doesn't work so great.
- normalized_domains = map normalize_string_domain domains
-- | A 'Forward' is bad if its goto domain appears in the list, or
-- if we can't figure out its goto domain.
is_bad f =
case (goto_domain f) of
Nothing -> True -- Drop these, too.
- Just d -> (normalize_string_domain d) `elem` normalized_domains
+ -- Nice, we can't compare unless we normalize @d@!
+ Just d -> (normalize_string d) `elem` normal_domains
report_tests )
-import Data.Map ( mapKeys )
import qualified Data.Map as Map ( fromList, lookup )
import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes, listToMaybe )
import Data.Set ( isSubsetOf )
import Test.Tasty.HUnit ( (@?=), testCase )
import Configuration ( Configuration(..) )
-import DNS ( MxSetMap, mx_set_map, normalize_string_domain )
+import DNS (
+ MxSetMap,
+ NormalDomain,
+ mx_set_map,
+ normalize_string )
import Forward (
-- >>> import Forward ( fwd )
-- >>> let fwds = [fwd "" ""]
--- >>> let mx_set = Set.fromList [""]
--- >>> let example_mx_pairs = [("", mx_set)]
+-- >>> let mx_set = Set.fromList [normalize_string ""]
+-- >>> let example_mx_pairs = [(normalize_string "", mx_set)]
-- >>> let mx_map = Map.fromList example_mx_pairs
--- >>> let droplist = MxList ["", ""]
--- >>> dropby_mxlist droplist mx_map fwds
+-- >>> let droplist = ["", ""]
+-- >>> let normal_droplist = map normalize_string droplist
+-- >>> dropby_mxlist normal_droplist mx_map fwds
-- []
-- This time it shouldn't be dropped, because [""] is
-- not contained in [""]:
-- >>> let fwds = [fwd "" ""]
--- >>> let mx_set = Set.fromList [""]
--- >>> let example_mx_pairs = [("", mx_set)]
+-- >>> let mx_set = Set.fromList [normalize_string ""]
+-- >>> let example_mx_pairs = [(normalize_string "", mx_set)]
-- >>> let mx_map = Map.fromList example_mx_pairs
--- >>> let droplist = MxList [""]
--- >>> map pretty_print (dropby_mxlist droplist mx_map fwds)
+-- >>> let droplist = [""]
+-- >>> let normal_droplist = map normalize_string droplist
+-- >>> map pretty_print (dropby_mxlist normal_droplist mx_map fwds)
-- [" ->"]
-dropby_mxlist :: MxList -> MxSetMap -> [Forward] -> [Forward]
-dropby_mxlist (MxList []) _ = id
-dropby_mxlist (MxList mxs) domain_mx_map =
+dropby_mxlist :: [NormalDomain] -> MxSetMap -> [Forward] -> [Forward]
+dropby_mxlist [] _ = id
+dropby_mxlist normal_mxs mx_map =
filter (not . is_bad)
- -- If we don't normalize these first, comparison (isSubsetOf)
- -- doesn't work so great.
- mx_set = Set.fromList (map normalize_string_domain mxs)
- -- We perform a lookup using a normalized key, so we'd better
- -- normalize the keys in the map first!
- normal_mxmap = mapKeys normalize_string_domain domain_mx_map
+ mx_set = Set.fromList normal_mxs
is_bad :: Forward -> Bool
is_bad f =
case (address_domain f) of
Nothing -> False -- Do **NOT** drop these.
- Just d -> case (Map.lookup (normalize_string_domain d) normal_mxmap) of
+ Just d -> case (Map.lookup (normalize_string d) mx_map) of
Nothing -> False -- No domain MX? Don't drop.
+ Just dmxs -> dmxs `isSubsetOf` mx_set
- -- We need to normalize the set of MXes for the
- -- domain, too.
- Just dmxs ->
- let ndmxs = ( normalize_string_domain dmxs)
- in
- ndmxs `isSubsetOf` mx_set
-- | Given a connection and a 'Configuration', produces the report as
-- Don't ask why, but this doesn't work if you factor out the
-- "return" below.
- let exclude_mx_list = exclude_mx cfg
- valid_forwards <- if null (get_mxs exclude_mx_list)
+ let exclude_mx_list = map normalize_string (get_mxs $ exclude_mx cfg)
+ valid_forwards <- if (null exclude_mx_list)
then return forwards
else do
domain_mxs <- mx_set_map domains
return $ dropby_mxlist exclude_mx_list domain_mxs forwards
- let remote_forwards = dropby_goto_domains domains valid_forwards
+ -- We need to normalize our domain names before we can pass them to
+ -- dropby_goto_domains.
+ let normal_domains = map normalize_string domains
+ let remote_forwards = dropby_goto_domains normal_domains valid_forwards
let forward_strings = map pretty_print remote_forwards
-- Don't append the final newline if there's nothing to report.
test_dropby_mxlist_affects_address =
testCase desc $ do
let fwds = [fwd "" ""]
- let mx_set = Set.fromList [""]
- let example_mx_pairs = [("", mx_set)]
+ let mx_set = Set.fromList [normalize_string ""]
+ let example_mx_pairs = [(normalize_string "", mx_set)]
let mx_map = Map.fromList example_mx_pairs
- let droplist = MxList ["", ""]
- let actual = dropby_mxlist droplist mx_map fwds
+ let droplist = ["", ""]
+ let normal_droplist = map normalize_string droplist
+ let actual = dropby_mxlist normal_droplist mx_map fwds
let expected = fwds
actual @?= expected
test_dropby_mxlist_compares_normalized =
testCase desc $ do
let fwds = [fwd "" ""]
- let mx_set = Set.fromList [""]
- let example_mx_pairs = [("", mx_set)]
+ let mx_set = Set.fromList [normalize_string ""]
+ let example_mx_pairs = [(normalize_string "", mx_set)]
let mx_map = Map.fromList example_mx_pairs
- let droplist = MxList ["", "mx2.example.COM"]
- let actual = dropby_mxlist droplist mx_map fwds
+ let droplist = ["", "mx2.example.COM"]
+ let normal_droplist = map normalize_string droplist
+ let actual = dropby_mxlist normal_droplist mx_map fwds
let expected = []
actual @?= expected
testCase desc $ do
let fwds = [fwd "" ""]
let mx_set = Set.fromList ["", ""]
- let example_mx_pairs = [("", mx_set)]
+ let normal_mx_set = normalize_string mx_set
+ let example_mx_pairs = [(normalize_string "", normal_mx_set)]
let mx_map = Map.fromList example_mx_pairs
- let droplist = MxList [""]
- let actual = dropby_mxlist droplist mx_map fwds
+ let droplist = [""]
+ let normal_droplist = map normalize_string droplist
+ let actual = dropby_mxlist normal_droplist mx_map fwds
let expected = fwds
actual @?= expected