import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Exception.Base (bracket)
-import Control.Monad (forever, when)
+import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
stdout )
import System.IO.Error (catchIOError)
+import System.Timeout (timeout)
import CommandLine (get_args)
import Configuration (Configuration(..), merge_optional)
recv_prompt :: Handle -> IO String
recv_prompt = recv_chars 10
-connect_and_loop :: Configuration -> IO ()
-connect_and_loop cfg =
+connect_and_loop :: Configuration -> String -> IO ()
+connect_and_loop cfg host = do
+ putStrLn $ "Connecting to " ++ host ++ "..."
bracket acquire_handle release_handle action
+ return ()
- --acquire_handle = connectTo "" (PortNumber 4500)
- acquire_handle = connectTo "" (PortNumber 4500)
- --acquire_handle = connectTo "" (PortNumber 13337)
+ five_seconds :: Int
+ five_seconds = 5000000
+ acquire_handle = connectTo host (PortNumber 4500)
release_handle = hClose
action h = do
-- No buffering anywhere.
hSetBuffering h NoBuffering
- log_in cfg h
- loop cfg h []
+ -- The feed is often unresponsive after we send out username. It
+ -- happens in a telnet session, too (albeit less frequently?),
+ -- so there might be a bug on their end.
+ --
+ -- If we dump the packets with tcpdump, it looks like their
+ -- software is getting confused: they send us some XML in
+ -- the middle of the log-in procedure. In any case, the easiest
+ -- fix is to disconnect and try again.
+ --
+ login_worked <- timeout five_seconds $ log_in cfg h
+ case login_worked of
+ Nothing -> putStrLn "Login timed out (5s)."
+ Just _ -> loop cfg h []
-- | A wrapper around threadDelay which takes seconds instead of
-- prefering the command-line ones.
let opt_config = rc_cfg <> cmd_cfg
+ -- This is necessary because if the user specifies an empty list of
+ -- hostnames in e.g. the config file, we want to bail rather than
+ -- fall back on the default list (which gets merged from a
+ -- Configuration below).
when (null $ get_feed_hosts (OC.feed_hosts opt_config)) $ do
report_error "ERROR: no feed hosts supplied."
exitWith (ExitFailure exit_no_feed_hosts)
hSetBuffering stderr NoBuffering
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
- forever $ do
- catchIOError (connect_and_loop cfg) (report_error . show)
- thread_sleep 10 -- Wait 10s before attempting to reconnect.
+ round_robin cfg 0
+ where
+ round_robin :: Configuration -> Int -> IO ()
+ round_robin cfg feed_host_idx = do
+ let hosts = get_feed_hosts $ feed_hosts cfg
+ let host = hosts !! feed_host_idx
+ catchIOError (connect_and_loop cfg host) (report_error . show)
+ thread_sleep 10 -- Wait 10s before attempting to reconnect.
+ round_robin cfg $ (feed_host_idx + 1) `mod` (length hosts)