function ip = c_inner_product(w, a, b, v1, v2)
+ ##
+ ## The usual inner product defined on the space of continuous
+ ## functions over the interval [a,b].
+ ##
+ ## INPUT:
+ ##
+ ## * ``w`` -- The weight function.
+ ##
+ ## * ``a`` -- The left endpoint of the interval.
+ ##
+ ## * ``b`` -- The right endpoint of the interval.
+ ##
+ ## * ``v1`` -- The first vector.
+ ##
+ ## * ``v2`` -- The second vector.
+ ##
+ ## OUTPUT:
+ ##
+ ## The inner product <v1, v2>.
+ ##
integrand = @(x) w(x)*v1(x)*v2(x)
ip = quad(integrand, a, b)