Count mailboxes in a SQL database
- /Usage/:
- @
- mailbox-count [OPTIONS]
- @
- Mailbox-count produces a simple count of mailboxes that exist
+ mailbox-count produces a simple count of mailboxes that exist
per-domain in some SQL database. The default queries are compatible
- with the schema used by PostfixAdmin <>,
- but it is possible to supply your own queries via the @--summary-query@
- and @--detail-query@ options.
+ with the [PostfixAdmin](
+ schema, but it is possible to supply your own queries.
The summary report lists each domain, along with the number of
- mailboxes owned by that domain. The order is determined by the summary
- query, which lists the domains alphabetically by default.
- The default detail report shows the same, but also contains a list of
- each individual mailbox (again in alphabetical order) belonging to the
- domains.
- /Input/:
- None.
- /Output/:
- Either a summary, or detailed report (with @--detail@) of the
- number of mailboxes per-domain contained in the database.
- /Options/:
- * \--database
- The name of the database (or file, if SQLite) to which we should
- connect.
- Default: The name of the current user (Postgres only).
- * \--detail
- Produce a detailed report listing all mailboxes by domain.
- * \--detail-query
- SQL query used to produce the detail report. This should return the
- set of all (domain, username) pairs. See the default value for an
- example.
- Default: \"SELECT domain,username FROM mailbox ORDER BY domain;\"
- * \--host
- Hostname where the database is located (Postgres-only).
- Default: None, a UNIX domain socket connection is attempted
- (Postgres only)
- * \--password
- Password used to connect to the database (Postgres-only).
- Default: None (assumes passwordless authentication)
- * \--port
- Port number used to connect to the database (Postgres-only).
- Default: None, a UNIX domain socket connection is attempted
- (Postgres only)
- * \--summary-query
- SQL query used to produce the summary report. This should return
- (domain, user count) pairs. See the default value for an
- example.
- Default: \"SELECT domain,COUNT(username) FROM mailbox GROUP BY domain
- ORDER BY domain;\"
- * \--username
- Username used to connect to the database (Postgres-only).
- Default: The current user
- /Examples/:
- The default summary report:
- @
- $ mailbox-count --database=postfixadmin.sqlite3
- Summary (number of mailboxes per domain)
- \----------------------------------------
- 3
- example.invalid: 1
- 2
- 1
- @
- The more detailed report:
- @
- $ mailbox-count --detail --database=postfixadmin.sqlite3
- Detail (list of all mailboxes by domain)
- \----------------------------------------
- (3):
-   user1
-   user3
-   user5
- example.invalid (1):
-   user7
- (2):
-   user2
-   user4
- (1):
-   user6
- @
+ mailboxes owned by that domain. The order is determined by the
+ summary query, which lists the domains alphabetically by
+ default. The default detail report shows the same, but also contains
+ a list of each individual mailbox (again in alphabetical order)
+ belonging to the domains.
+ A full set of options and examples can be found in the man page.
executable mailbox-count