-- Insert the message and acquire its primary key (unique ID)
news_id <- insert_xml message
- -- And insert each one into its own table. We use insertByAll_xml
+ -- And insert each one into its own table. We use insert_xml_or_select
-- because we know that most teams will already exist, and we
- -- want to get back a Left (id) for the existing team when
- -- there's a collision. In fact, if the insert succeeds, we'll
- -- get a Right (id) back, so we can disregard the Either
- -- constructor entirely. That's what the (either id id) does.
- either_nt_ids <- mapM insertByAll_xml (xml_teams message)
- let nt_ids = map (either id id) either_nt_ids
+ -- want to get back the id for the existing team when
+ -- there's a collision.
+ nt_ids <- mapM insert_xml_or_select (xml_teams message)
-- Now that the teams have been inserted, create
-- news__news_team records mapping beween the two.
mapM_ insert_ news_news_teams
-- Do all of that over again for the NewsLocations.
- either_loc_ids <- mapM insertByAll_xml (xml_locations message)
- let loc_ids = map (either id id) either_loc_ids
+ loc_ids <- mapM insert_xml_or_select (xml_locations message)
let news_news_locations = map (News_NewsLocation news_id) loc_ids
mapM_ insert_ news_news_locations
=> a
-> m ( Either (AutoKey (Db a)) (AutoKey (Db a)) )
insertByAll_xml x = insertByAll (from_xml x)
+ -- | Try to insert the given object and get its primary key
+ -- back. Or, if there's a unique constraint violation, get the
+ -- primary key of the unique thing already present.
+ --
+ -- Note: we can switch to using fmap here as soon as Functor is a
+ -- superclass of Monad (PersistBackend is a Monad).
+ --
+ insert_xml_or_select :: (PersistBackend m)
+ => a
+ -> m (AutoKey (Db a))
+ insert_xml_or_select x = do
+ tmp <- insertByAll_xml x
+ return $ (either id id) tmp