import sys
import os
import site
-import pgdb
from optparse import OptionParser
# Basically, add '../src' to our path.
# Needed for the imports that follow.
site.addsitedir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) + '/../src')
+import Census
import Configuration.Defaults
import ExitCodes
import GPS
import StringUtils
-import SummaryFile1
help='The username who has access to the database.',
+ '--srid',
+ type="int",
+ help="SRID of the input geometry. Defaults to %s." % Configuration.Defaults.SRID,
+ default=Configuration.Defaults.SRID)
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) < 2:
coords.longitude = float(args[0])
coords.latitude = float(args[1])
-conn = pgdb.connect(,
- database=options.database,
- user=options.username)
-cursor = conn.cursor()
-# Most GIS software, including PostGIS and the associated libraries,
-# store and manipulate GPS coordinates in (longitude, latitude) format
-# rather than (latitude, longitude) format.
-query = """
-SELECT population_density
-FROM (sf1_blocks INNER JOIN tiger
- ON sf1_blocks.tiger_blkidfp00=tiger.blkidfp00)
-WHERE ST_Contains(tiger.the_geom,
- ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(%.6f, %.6f), 4269));
-""" % (coords.longitude, coords.latitude)
-rows = cursor.fetchall()
-if len(rows) > 0:
- avg_density = rows[0][0]
+cdb = Census.Database(,
+ options.database,
+ options.username,
+ options.srid)
+avg_density = cdb.find_average_population_density(coords)
+if (avg_density != None):
print str(avg_density)
print 'Error: No rows returned.'
print 'Did you pass (longitude, latitude) in the correct order?'
raise SystemExit(ExitCodes.NO_RESULTS)
--- /dev/null
+import pgdb
+import GPS
+class Database:
+ """
+ This class wraps all of the operations that we'd like to perform
+ on the census database. Most of the utility scripts will just call
+ one or two methods from within this class.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, _host, _database, _username, _srid):
+ self.connection = pgdb.connect(host=_host,
+ database=_database,
+ user=_username)
+ self.srid = _srid
+ def __del__(self):
+ self.connection.close()
+ def find_average_population_density(self, coords):
+ """
+ Find the average population density at a set of GPS coordinates.
+ """
+ cursor = self.connection.cursor()
+ query = """
+ SELECT population_density
+ FROM (sf1_blocks INNER JOIN tiger
+ ON sf1_blocks.tiger_blkidfp00=tiger.blkidfp00)
+ WHERE ST_Contains(tiger.the_geom,
+ ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(%.6f, %.6f), %d));
+ """
+ sql_params = (coords.longitude, coords.latitude, self.srid)
+ cursor.execute(query, sql_params)
+ rows = cursor.fetchall()
+ if len(rows) > 0:
+ return rows[0][0]
+ else:
+ return None