) where
-import Data.List (nubBy)
+import Data.List (nub)
import Data.List.Split (splitOneOf)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, mapMaybe)
instance Eq Cidr where
- cidr1 == cidr2 = (cidr1 `equivalent` cidr2)
+ -- | Two CIDRs are equal if they have the same network bits and if
+ -- their masks are the same. In other words, if they are the same
+ -- after normalization.
+ cidr1 == cidr2 = addr1 == addr2 && mask1 == mask2
+ where
+ Cidr addr1 mask1 = normalize cidr1
+ Cidr addr2 mask2 = normalize cidr2
--- | Two CIDR ranges are equivalent if they have the same network bits
--- and the masks are the same.
-equivalent :: Cidr -> Cidr -> Bool
-equivalent (Cidr addr1 mbits1) (Cidr addr2 mbits2) =
- (mbits1 == mbits2) && ((apply_mask addr1 mbits1 B.Zero) == (apply_mask addr2 mbits2 B.Zero))
-- | Returns the mask portion of a CIDR address. That is, everything
-- after the trailing slash.
| cidrs == (combine_contained unique_cidrs) = cidrs
| otherwise = combine_all (combine_contained unique_cidrs)
- unique_cidrs = nubBy equivalent cidr_combinations
+ unique_cidrs = nub cidr_combinations
cidr_combinations =
cidrs ++ (catMaybes [ (combine_adjacent x y) | x <- cidrs, y <- cidrs ])