+test-suite doctests
+ type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
+ hs-source-dirs: test
+ main-is: Doctests.hs
+ build-depends:
+ base == 4.*,
+ -- Additional test dependencies.
+ doctest == 0.9.*
+ -- It's not entirely clear to me why I have to reproduce all of this.
+ ghc-options:
+ -Wall
+ -fwarn-hi-shadowing
+ -fwarn-missing-signatures
+ -fwarn-name-shadowing
+ -fwarn-orphans
+ -fwarn-type-defaults
+ -fwarn-tabs
+ -fwarn-incomplete-record-updates
+ -fwarn-monomorphism-restriction
+ -fwarn-unused-do-bind
+ -rtsopts
+ -threaded
+ -optc-O3
+ -optc-march=native
+ -O2
source-repository head
type: git
location: http://michael.orlitzky.com/git/htsn-import.git
--- /dev/null
+module Main where
+import Test.DocTest ( doctest )
+-- | There's some kind of goddamned bug causing the doctests to commit
+-- suicide when run on src/Main.hs. Since we only have doctests in
+-- TSN.Codegen for now, just test that.
+main :: IO ()
+main = doctest [ "-isrc",
+ "-idist/build/autogen",
+ "src/TSN/Codegen.hs" ]