import qualified Algebra.Algebraic as Algebraic ( C )
import Data.Vector.Fixed ( Arity, S )
import NumericPrelude hiding ( (*), abs )
-import qualified NumericPrelude as NP ( (*) )
import qualified Algebra.Field as Field ( C )
import Linear.Matrix (
- (!!!),
- construct,
+ ifoldr2,
- ncols,
-- | Solve the system m*x = b, where m is upper-triangular. Will
--- probably crash if m is non-singular. The result is the vector x.
+-- probably crash if m is non-singular. The result is the vector
+-- x. The implementation is identical to 'forward_substitute' except
+-- with a right-fold.
-- Examples:
=> Mat (S m) (S m) a
-> Col (S m) a
-> Col (S m) a
-backward_substitute m' b'
- | not (is_upper_triangular m') =
+backward_substitute matrix b
+ | not (is_upper_triangular matrix) =
error "backward substitution on non-upper-triangular matrix"
- | otherwise = x'
- where
- x' = construct lambda
- -- Convenient accessor for the elements of b'.
- b :: Int -> a
- b k = b' !!! (k, 0)
- -- Convenient accessor for the elements of m'.
- m :: Int -> Int -> a
- m i j = m' !!! (i, j)
- -- Convenient accessor for the elements of x'.
- x :: Int -> a
- x k = x' !!! (k, 0)
+ | otherwise = ifoldr2 f zero pairs
+ where
+ -- Pairs (m_ii, b_i) needed at each step.
+ pairs :: Col (S m) (a,a)
+ pairs = zip2 (diagonal matrix) b
- -- The second argument to lambda should always be zero here, so we
- -- ignore it.
- lambda :: Int -> Int -> a
- lambda k _
- | k == n = (b k) / (m k k)
- | otherwise = ((b k) - sum [ (m k j) NP.* (x j) |
- j <- [k+1..n] ]) / (m k k)
- where
- n = (ncols m') - 1
+ f :: Int -> Int -> Col (S m) a -> (a, a) -> Col (S m) a
+ f i _ x (mii, bi) = set_idx x (i,0) newval
+ where
+ newval = (bi - (x `dot` (transpose $ row matrix i))) / mii
-- | Solve the linear system m*x = b where m is positive definite.