Perform Gram-Schmidt on the list ``v`` which are assumed to be
vectors over the same base ring. Returns a list of orthonormalized
- vectors over the smallest extention ring containing the necessary
- roots.
+ vectors over the same base ring, which means that your base ring
+ needs to contain the appropriate roots.
+ If you start with an orthonormal set, you get it back. We can use
+ the rationals here because we don't need any square roots::
+ sage: v1 = vector(QQ, (1,0,0))
+ sage: v2 = vector(QQ, (0,1,0))
+ sage: v3 = vector(QQ, (0,0,1))
+ sage: v = [v1,v2,v3]
+ sage: gram_schmidt(v) == v
+ True
The usual inner-product and norm are default::
- sage: v1 = vector(QQ,(1,2,3))
- sage: v2 = vector(QQ,(1,-1,6))
- sage: v3 = vector(QQ,(2,1,-1))
+ sage: v1 = vector(AA,(1,2,3))
+ sage: v2 = vector(AA,(1,-1,6))
+ sage: v3 = vector(AA,(2,1,-1))
sage: v = [v1,v2,v3]
sage: u = gram_schmidt(v)
sage: all( u_i.inner_product(u_i).sqrt() == 1 for u_i in u )
orthonormal with respect to that (and not the usual inner
- sage: v1 = vector(QQ,(1,2,3))
- sage: v2 = vector(QQ,(1,-1,6))
- sage: v3 = vector(QQ,(2,1,-1))
+ sage: v1 = vector(AA,(1,2,3))
+ sage: v2 = vector(AA,(1,-1,6))
+ sage: v3 = vector(AA,(2,1,-1))
sage: v = [v1,v2,v3]
- sage: B = matrix(QQ, [ [6, 4, 2],
+ sage: B = matrix(AA, [ [6, 4, 2],
....: [4, 5, 4],
....: [2, 4, 9] ])
sage: ip = lambda x,y: (B*x).inner_product(y)
This Gram-Schmidt routine can be used on matrices as well, so long
as an appropriate inner-product is provided::
- sage: E11 = matrix(QQ, [ [1,0],
+ sage: E11 = matrix(AA, [ [1,0],
....: [0,0] ])
- sage: E12 = matrix(QQ, [ [0,1],
+ sage: E12 = matrix(AA, [ [0,1],
....: [1,0] ])
- sage: E22 = matrix(QQ, [ [0,0],
+ sage: E22 = matrix(AA, [ [0,0],
....: [0,1] ])
- sage: I = matrix.identity(QQ,2)
+ sage: I = matrix.identity(AA,2)
sage: trace_ip = lambda X,Y: (X*Y).trace()
sage: gram_schmidt([E11,E12,I,E22], inner_product=trace_ip)
- [1 0] [ 0 1/2*sqrt(2)] [0 0]
- [0 0], [1/2*sqrt(2) 0], [0 1]
+ [1 0] [ 0 0.7071067811865475?] [0 0]
+ [0 0], [0.7071067811865475? 0], [0 1]
It even works on Cartesian product spaces whose factors are vector
Ensure that zero vectors don't get in the way::
- sage: v1 = vector(QQ,(1,2,3))
- sage: v2 = vector(QQ,(1,-1,6))
- sage: v3 = vector(QQ,(0,0,0))
+ sage: v1 = vector(AA,(1,2,3))
+ sage: v2 = vector(AA,(1,-1,6))
+ sage: v3 = vector(AA,(0,0,0))
sage: v = [v1,v2,v3]
sage: len(gram_schmidt(v)) == 2