+ Network.DNS.RBL.Domain.Digit
+ Network.DNS.RBL.Domain.Hyphen
+ Network.DNS.RBL.Domain.LdhStr
+ Network.DNS.RBL.Domain.LetDig
+ Network.DNS.RBL.Domain.LetDigHyp
+ Network.DNS.RBL.Domain.Letter
domain )
-import Data.Char ( toLower )
import Text.Parsec (
try )
-import qualified Text.Parsec as Parsec ( digit, letter)
import Text.Parsec.String ( Parser )
+import Network.DNS.RBL.Domain.LdhStr (
+ LdhStr(..),
+ ldh_str,
+ ldh_str_length )
+import Network.DNS.RBL.Domain.LetDig ( LetDig, let_dig )
+import Network.DNS.RBL.Domain.LetDigHyp ( LetDigHyp(..) )
import Network.DNS.RBL.Pretty ( Pretty(..) )
import Network.DNS.RBL.Reversible ( Reversible(..) )
--- * Digits
--- | A wrapper around a digit character.
-newtype Digit = Digit Char deriving (Eq, Show)
-instance Pretty Digit where pretty_show (Digit d) = [d]
--- | Parse a single digit, but wrap it in our 'Digit' type.
-digit :: Parser Digit
-digit = fmap Digit Parsec.digit
--- * Letters
--- | A wrapper around a letter character.
-newtype Letter = Letter Char deriving (Show)
-instance Pretty Letter where pretty_show (Letter l) = [l]
--- | Parse a single letter, but wrap it in our 'Letter' type.
-letter :: Parser Letter
-letter = fmap Letter Parsec.letter
--- | The derived instance of 'Eq' for letters is incorrect. All
--- comparisons should be made case-insensitively. The following
--- is an excerpt from RFC1035:
--- 2.3.3. Character Case
--- For all parts of the DNS that are part of the official
--- protocol, all comparisons between character strings (e.g.,
--- labels, domain names, etc.) are done in a case-insensitive
--- manner...
--- Since each part of DNS name is composed of our custom types, it
--- suffices to munge the equality for 'Letter'. RFC4343
--- <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4343> clarifies the
--- case-insensitivity rules, but the fact that we're treating DNS
--- names as strings makes most of those problems go away (in
--- exchange for new ones).
-instance Eq Letter where
- (Letter l1) == (Letter l2) = (toLower l1) == (toLower l2)
--- * Letters/Digits
--- | A sum type representing either a letter or a digit.
-data LetDig =
- LetDigLetter Letter |
- LetDigDigit Digit
- deriving (Eq, Show)
-instance Pretty LetDig where
- pretty_show (LetDigLetter l) = pretty_show l
- pretty_show (LetDigDigit d) = pretty_show d
--- | Parse a letter or a digit and wrap it in our 'LetDig' type.
-let_dig :: Parser LetDig
-let_dig = (fmap LetDigLetter letter) <|> (fmap LetDigDigit digit)
--- * Hyphens
--- | A wrapper around a single hyphen character.
-newtype Hyphen = Hyphen Char deriving (Eq, Show)
-instance Pretty Hyphen where pretty_show (Hyphen h) = [h]
--- | Parse a single hyphen and wrap it in our 'Hyphen' type.
-hyphen :: Parser Hyphen
-hyphen = fmap Hyphen (char '-')
--- * Letter, Digit, or Hyphen.
--- | A sum type representing a letter, digit, or hyphen.
-data LetDigHyp =
- LetDigHypLetDig LetDig |
- LetDigHypHyphen Hyphen
- deriving (Eq, Show)
-instance Pretty LetDigHyp where
- pretty_show (LetDigHypLetDig ld) = pretty_show ld
- pretty_show (LetDigHypHyphen h) = pretty_show h
--- | The following is the simplest type in the domain grammar that
--- isn't already implemented for us.
--- <let-dig> ::= <letter> | <digit>
--- ==== _Examples_
--- >>> import Text.Parsec ( parseTest )
--- Letters, digits, and hyphens are all parsed:
--- >>> parseTest let_dig_hyp "a"
--- LetDigHypLetDig (LetDigLetter (Letter 'a'))
--- >>> parseTest let_dig_hyp "7"
--- LetDigHypLetDig (LetDigDigit (Digit '7'))
--- >>> parseTest let_dig_hyp "-"
--- LetDigHypHyphen (Hyphen '-')
--- However, an underscore (for example) is not:
--- >>> parseTest let_dig_hyp "_"
--- parse error at (line 1, column 1):
--- unexpected "_"
--- expecting letter, digit or "-"
-let_dig_hyp :: Parser LetDigHyp
-let_dig_hyp =
- parse_letdig <|> parse_hyphen
- where
- parse_letdig :: Parser LetDigHyp
- parse_letdig = fmap LetDigHypLetDig let_dig
- parse_hyphen :: Parser LetDigHyp
- parse_hyphen = fmap LetDigHypHyphen hyphen
--- * Letter/Digit/Hyphen strings
--- | A string of letters, digits, and hyphens from the RFC1035 grammar:
--- <ldh-str> ::= <let-dig-hyp> | <let-dig-hyp> <ldh-str>
--- These are represented as either a single instance of a
--- 'LetDigHyp', or a string of them (recursive).
-data LdhStr =
- LdhStrSingleLdh LetDigHyp |
- LdhStrMultipleLdh LetDigHyp LdhStr
- deriving (Eq, Show)
-instance Pretty LdhStr where
- pretty_show (LdhStrSingleLdh ldh) = pretty_show ldh
- pretty_show (LdhStrMultipleLdh ldh s) = (pretty_show ldh) ++ (pretty_show s)
--- | Parse a string of letters, digits, and hyphens (an 'LdhStr').
--- ==== _Examples_
--- >>> import Text.Parsec ( parseTest )
--- Single letters, digits, and hyphens are parsed:
--- >>> parseTest ldh_str "a"
--- LdhStrSingleLdh (LetDigHypLetDig (LetDigLetter (Letter 'a')))
--- >>> parseTest ldh_str "0"
--- LdhStrSingleLdh (LetDigHypLetDig (LetDigDigit (Digit '0')))
--- >>> parseTest ldh_str "-"
--- LdhStrSingleLdh (LetDigHypHyphen (Hyphen '-'))
--- As well as strings of them:
--- >>> import Text.Parsec ( parse )
--- >>> pretty_print $ parse ldh_str "" "a0-b"
--- a0-b
-ldh_str :: Parser LdhStr
-ldh_str = try both <|> just_one
- where
- both :: Parser LdhStr
- both = do
- ldh1 <- let_dig_hyp
- ldh_tail <- ldh_str
- return $ LdhStrMultipleLdh ldh1 ldh_tail
- just_one :: Parser LdhStr
- just_one = fmap LdhStrSingleLdh let_dig_hyp
--- | A version of 'last' that works on a 'LdhStr' rather than a
--- list. That is, it returns the last 'LetDigHyp' in the
--- string. Since 'LdhStr' contains at least one character, there's
--- no \"nil\" case here.
--- ==== _Examples_
--- >>> import Text.Parsec ( parse )
--- >>> let (Right r) = parse ldh_str "" "a"
--- >>> last_ldh_str r
--- LetDigHypLetDig (LetDigLetter (Letter 'a'))
--- >>> let (Right r) = parse ldh_str "" "abc-def"
--- >>> last_ldh_str r
--- LetDigHypLetDig (LetDigLetter (Letter 'f'))
-last_ldh_str :: LdhStr -> LetDigHyp
-last_ldh_str (LdhStrSingleLdh x) = x
-last_ldh_str (LdhStrMultipleLdh _ x) = last_ldh_str x
--- | A version of 'init' that works on a 'LdhStr' rather than a
--- list. That is, it returns everything /except/ the last character in
--- the string.
--- Since an 'LdhStr' must contain at least one character, this might
--- not be opssible (when the input is of length one). So, we return
--- a 'Maybe' value.
--- ==== _Examples_
--- >>> import Text.Parsec ( parse )
--- >>> let (Right r) = parse ldh_str "" "a"
--- >>> init_ldh_str r
--- Nothing
--- >>> let (Right r) = parse ldh_str "" "ab"
--- >>> init_ldh_str r
--- Just (LdhStrSingleLdh (LetDigHypLetDig (LetDigLetter (Letter 'a'))))
--- >>> let (Right r) = parse ldh_str "" "abc-def"
--- >>> init_ldh_str r
--- Just (LdhStrMultipleLdh (LetDigHypLetDig (LetDigLetter (Letter 'a'))) (LdhStrMultipleLdh (LetDigHypLetDig (LetDigLetter (Letter 'b'))) (LdhStrMultipleLdh (LetDigHypLetDig (LetDigLetter (Letter 'c'))) (LdhStrMultipleLdh (LetDigHypHyphen (Hyphen '-')) (LdhStrMultipleLdh (LetDigHypLetDig (LetDigLetter (Letter 'd'))) (LdhStrSingleLdh (LetDigHypLetDig (LetDigLetter (Letter 'e')))))))))
-init_ldh_str :: LdhStr -> Maybe LdhStr
-init_ldh_str (LdhStrSingleLdh _) = Nothing
-init_ldh_str (LdhStrMultipleLdh h t) =
- Just $ case (init_ldh_str t) of
- -- We just got the second-to-last character, we're done.
- Nothing -> LdhStrSingleLdh h
- -- There's still more stuff. Recurse.
- Just rest -> LdhStrMultipleLdh h rest
--- | Compute the length of an 'LdhStr'. It will be at least one, since
--- 'LdhStr's are non-empty. And if there's something other than the
--- first character present, we simply recurse.
--- ==== _Examples_
--- >>> import Text.Parsec ( parse )
--- >>> let (Right r) = parse ldh_str "" "a"
--- >>> length_ldh_str r
--- 1
--- >>> let (Right r) = parse ldh_str "" "abc-def"
--- >>> length_ldh_str r
--- 7
-length_ldh_str :: LdhStr -> Int
-length_ldh_str (LdhStrSingleLdh _) = 1
-length_ldh_str (LdhStrMultipleLdh _ t) = 1 + (length_ldh_str t)
-- * Letter/Digit/Hyphen string followed by a trailing Letter/Digit
pretty_show (LdhStrLetDig Nothing ld) = pretty_show ld
pretty_show (LdhStrLetDig (Just s) ld) = (pretty_show s) ++ (pretty_show ld)
-- | Parse an 'LdhStrLetDig'. This isn't in the grammar, but we might
-- as well define the parser for it independently since we gave it
-- its own data type.
full_ldh <- ldh_str
-- So we have to go back and see what happened.
- case (last_ldh_str full_ldh) of
- (LetDigHypHyphen _) -> fail "label cannot end with a hyphen"
- (LetDigHypLetDig ld) ->
- -- Ok, the label didn't end with a hyphen; now we need to split
- -- off the last letter/digit so we can pack it into our return
- -- type separately.
- return $ case (init_ldh_str full_ldh) of
- -- We only parsed one letter/digit. This can happen
- -- if the label contains two characters. For example,
- -- if we try to parse the label "ab", then the "a"
- -- will be eaten by the label parser, and this
- -- function will be left with only "b".
- Nothing -> LdhStrLetDig Nothing ld
- -- Usual case: there's was some leading let-dig-hyp junk,
- -- return it too.
- leading_ldhs -> LdhStrLetDig leading_ldhs ld
+ case (backwards full_ldh) of
+ -- Fail on a single hyphen.
+ (LdhStrSingleLdh (LetDigHypHyphen _)) ->
+ fail "label cannot end with a hyphen"
+ -- Fail for a hyphen followed by other stuff.
+ (LdhStrMultipleLdh (LetDigHypHyphen _) _) ->
+ fail "label cannot end with a hyphen"
+ -- Simply return the thing if it's a single non-hyphen.
+ (LdhStrSingleLdh (LetDigHypLetDig ld)) -> return $ LdhStrLetDig Nothing ld
+ -- And peel off the last character for a non-hyphen followed by
+ -- other stuff. We wind up reversing things twice, but whatever.
+ (LdhStrMultipleLdh (LetDigHypLetDig ld) init_ldh_rev) ->
+ let init_ldh = backwards init_ldh_rev
+ in return $ LdhStrLetDig (Just init_ldh) ld
length_ldh_str_let_dig :: LdhStrLetDig -> Int
length_ldh_str_let_dig (LdhStrLetDig Nothing _) = 1
length_ldh_str_let_dig (LdhStrLetDig (Just ldhstring) _) =
- 1 + (length_ldh_str ldhstring)
+ 1 + (ldh_str_length ldhstring)
-- * Labels
backwards (SubdomainMultipleLabel l (SubdomainSingleLabel m)) =
SubdomainMultipleLabel m (SubdomainSingleLabel l)
- -- And now the hard case. If we reversed @s@, then the "head" of
- -- the result (@last_s@) should be the last label in the entire
- -- subdomain. Stick @last_s@ on the front of the result. That makes
- -- enough sense.
- --
- -- But what to do about the rest? We need to get \"init s\"
- -- somehow. Well, we have the reverse of it... why not waste a bunch
- -- of time and reverse that, too? With @init s@ in hand, we can
- -- prepend @l@ to that, and THEN reverse the entire thing. What we'll
- -- wind up with looks like @[last_s, init_s_rev, l]@ which you can
- -- pretend you recognize as the subdomain in reverse.
+ -- And now the hard case. See the 'LdhStr' implementation for an
+ -- explanation.
- backwards (SubdomainMultipleLabel l s) =
- case (backwards s) of
- SubdomainMultipleLabel last_s init_s_rev ->
- let init_s = backwards init_s_rev
- in
- SubdomainMultipleLabel
- last_s
- (backwards (SubdomainMultipleLabel l init_s))
- -- Reversing a multiple label thing gives you back a multiple
- -- label thing but there's no way to promise that.
- impossible -> impossible
+ backwards (SubdomainMultipleLabel l s) = build (SubdomainSingleLabel l) s
+ where
+ -- Build up the first Subdomain on the left by peeling off the
+ -- leading elements of the second Subdomain.
+ build :: Subdomain -> Subdomain -> Subdomain
+ build dst (SubdomainSingleLabel final) = SubdomainMultipleLabel final dst
+ build dst (SubdomainMultipleLabel leading rest) =
+ build (SubdomainMultipleLabel leading dst) rest
--- /dev/null
+-- | The simplest module you'll ever see. It contains the 'Digit' type
+-- and a Parsec parser to parse one. We don't export its constructor
+-- because then you could do something dumb like stick a letter
+-- inside one.
+-- These are defined in RFC1035, Section 2.3.1, \"Preferred name
+-- syntax\" <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1035#section-2.3.1>:
+-- <digit> ::= any one of the ten digits 0 through 9
+module Network.DNS.RBL.Domain.Digit (
+ Digit,
+ digit )
+import qualified Text.Parsec as Parsec ( digit )
+import Text.Parsec.String ( Parser )
+import Network.DNS.RBL.Pretty ( Pretty(..) )
+-- | A wrapper around a single digit character.
+-- ==== _Examples_
+-- >>> Digit '1'
+-- Digit '1'
+-- >>> let d1 = Digit '2'
+-- >>> let d2 = Digit '2'
+-- >>> let d3 = Digit '3'
+-- >>> d1 == d2
+-- True
+-- >>> d1 == d3
+-- False
+newtype Digit = Digit Char deriving (Eq, Show)
+-- | Pretty-printing for digits that we've already parsed. Just
+-- shows/prints the digit character.
+-- ==== _Examples_
+-- >>> let d = Digit '1'
+-- >>> pretty_print d
+-- 1
+instance Pretty Digit where pretty_show (Digit d) = [d]
+-- | Parse a single digit, but wrap it in our 'Digit' type.
+-- ==== _Examples_
+-- >>> import Text.Parsec ( parseTest )
+-- Digits are parsed correctly:
+-- >>> parseTest digit "3"
+-- Digit '3'
+-- But letters are not:
+-- >>> parseTest digit "x"
+-- parse error at (line 1, column 1):
+-- unexpected "x"
+-- expecting digit
+digit :: Parser Digit
+digit = fmap Digit Parsec.digit
--- /dev/null
+-- | OK, I lied about "Network.DNS.RBL.Domain.Digit" and
+-- "Network.DNS.RBL.Domain.Letter" being the simplest modules you'd
+-- ever see. Because this is. It contains the 'Hyphen' type and a
+-- Parsec parser to parse one. We don't export its constructor because
+-- then you could do something dumb like stick a letter inside one.
+module Network.DNS.RBL.Domain.Hyphen (
+ Hyphen,
+ hyphen )
+import Text.Parsec ( char )
+import Text.Parsec.String ( Parser )
+import Network.DNS.RBL.Pretty ( Pretty(..) )
+-- | A wrapper around a single hyphen character.
+-- ==== _Examples_
+-- >>> Hyphen '-'
+-- Hyphen '-'
+-- >>> let h1 = Hyphen '-'
+-- >>> let h2 = Hyphen '-'
+-- >>> h1 == h2
+-- True
+newtype Hyphen = Hyphen Char
+-- | Equality is defined semantically (all hyphens are equal).
+-- ==== _Examples_
+-- >>> let h1 = Hyphen '-'
+-- >>> let h2 = Hyphen '-'
+-- >>> h1 == h2
+-- True
+-- If you do something stupid, that's your fault:
+-- >>> let h1 = Hyphen '-'
+-- >>> let h2 = Hyphen 'x'
+-- >>> h1 == h2
+-- True
+instance Eq Hyphen where _ == _ = True
+-- | 'Show' is defined semantically; all hyphens display as \'-\'.
+-- The implementation is based on what GHC derives, discovered via
+-- @ghci -ddump-deriv@.
+-- ==== _Examples_
+-- >>> let h = Hyphen '-'
+-- >>> h
+-- Hyphen '-'
+-- If you do something stupid, that's your fault:
+-- >>> let h = Hyphen 'x'
+-- >>> h
+-- Hyphen '-'
+instance Show Hyphen where
+ showsPrec d _ =
+ showParen (d > application_precedence) (showString "Hyphen '-'")
+ where
+ application_precedence = 10
+-- | 'Pretty' is defined semantically; all hyphens display as \'-\'.
+-- ==== _Examples_
+-- >>> let h = Hyphen '-'
+-- >>> pretty_print h
+-- -
+-- If you do something stupid, that's your fault:
+-- >>> let h = Hyphen 'x'
+-- >>> pretty_print h
+-- -
+instance Pretty Hyphen where pretty_show _ = "-"
+-- | Parse a single hyphen and wrap it in our 'Hyphen' type.
+-- ==== _Examples_
+-- >>> import Text.Parsec ( parseTest )
+-- Hyphens are parsed:
+-- >>> parseTest hyphen "-"
+-- Hyphen '-'
+-- But not letters or digits:
+-- >>> parseTest hyphen "1"
+-- parse error at (line 1, column 1):
+-- unexpected "1"
+-- expecting "-"
+-- >>> parseTest hyphen "x"
+-- parse error at (line 1, column 1):
+-- unexpected "x"
+-- expecting "-"
+hyphen :: Parser Hyphen
+hyphen = fmap Hyphen (char '-')
--- /dev/null
+-- | The 'LdhStr' type and a Parsec parser to parse one. We don't
+-- export its constructor because then you could do something dumb
+-- like stick a semicolon inside one.
+-- These are defined in RFC1035, Section 2.3.1, \"Preferred name
+-- syntax\" <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1035#section-2.3.1>:
+-- <ldh-str> ::= <let-dig-hyp> | <let-dig-hyp> <ldh-str>
+-- We export our constructors so that we can pattern match to find
+-- out whether or not we have a hyphen at the end of a label.
+module Network.DNS.RBL.Domain.LdhStr (
+ LdhStr(..),
+ ldh_str,
+ ldh_str_length )
+import Text.Parsec ( (<|>), try )
+import Text.Parsec.String ( Parser )
+import Network.DNS.RBL.Domain.LetDigHyp ( LetDigHyp, let_dig_hyp )
+import Network.DNS.RBL.Pretty ( Pretty(..) )
+import Network.DNS.RBL.Reversible ( Reversible(..) )
+-- | A string of letters, digits, and hyphens from the RFC1035 grammar:
+-- <ldh-str> ::= <let-dig-hyp> | <let-dig-hyp> <ldh-str>
+-- These are represented as either a single instance of a
+-- 'LetDigHyp', or a string of them (recursive).
+-- ==== _Examples_
+-- >>> import Text.Parsec ( parse )
+-- We can create an 'LdhStrSingleLdh' from a single (let-dig-hyp)
+-- character:
+-- >>> let (Right r) = parse let_dig_hyp "" "x"
+-- >>> LdhStrSingleLdh r
+-- LdhStrSingleLdh (LetDigHypLetDig (LetDigLetter (Letter 'x')))
+-- >>> let (Right r) = parse let_dig_hyp "" "1"
+-- >>> LdhStrSingleLdh r
+-- LdhStrSingleLdh (LetDigHypLetDig (LetDigDigit (Digit '1')))
+-- >>> let (Right r) = parse let_dig_hyp "" "-"
+-- >>> LdhStrSingleLdh r
+-- LdhStrSingleLdh (LetDigHypHyphen (Hyphen '-'))
+-- We can create an 'LdhStrMultipleLdh' from multiple (let-dig-hyp)
+-- characters:
+-- >>> let (Right r) = parse let_dig_hyp "" "x"
+-- >>> let (Right r2) = parse let_dig_hyp "" "-"
+-- >>> let (Right r3) = parse let_dig_hyp "" "1"
+-- >>> let rs = LdhStrMultipleLdh r2 (LdhStrSingleLdh r3)
+-- >>> pretty_print $ LdhStrMultipleLdh r rs
+-- x-1
+data LdhStr =
+ LdhStrSingleLdh LetDigHyp |
+ LdhStrMultipleLdh LetDigHyp LdhStr
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+-- | Pretty-printing for strings of letters, digits, and hyphens that
+-- we've already parsed. Just shows/prints the underlying characters
+-- (structural) recursively.
+-- ==== _Examples_
+-- >>> import Text.Parsec ( parse )
+-- >>> let (Right r) = parse let_dig_hyp "" "x"
+-- >>> pretty_print $ LdhStrSingleLdh r
+-- x
+-- >>> let (Right r) = parse let_dig_hyp "" "1"
+-- >>> pretty_print $ LdhStrSingleLdh r
+-- 1
+-- >>> let (Right r) = parse let_dig_hyp "" "-"
+-- >>> pretty_print $ LdhStrSingleLdh r
+-- -
+-- >>> let (Right r) = parse ldh_str "" "123"
+-- >>> pretty_print $ r
+-- 123
+instance Pretty LdhStr where
+ pretty_show (LdhStrSingleLdh ldh) = pretty_show ldh
+ pretty_show (LdhStrMultipleLdh ldh s) = (pretty_show ldh) ++ (pretty_show s)
+instance Reversible LdhStr where
+ -- | Reverse the characters of the given 'LdhStr'. We are bordering
+ -- on redundancy here, since the implementation of this is exactly
+ -- the same as for 'Subdomain'. However, if we were to generalize
+ -- 'LdhStr' to e.g. @Str LetDigHyp@ and 'Subdomain' to @Str
+ -- Label@, then we would get some semantic weirdness, like the
+ -- fact that the length of a subdomain includes the \".\"
+ -- characters. So pretty much only 'backwards' would be
+ -- generalizable.
+ --
+ -- ==== _Examples_
+ --
+ -- >>> import Text.Parsec ( parse )
+ --
+ -- Standard usage:
+ --
+ -- >>> let (Right r) = parse ldh_str "" "x"
+ -- >>> pretty_print $ backwards r
+ -- x
+ --
+ -- >>> let (Right r) = parse ldh_str "" "com"
+ -- >>> pretty_print $ backwards r
+ -- moc
+ --
+ -- >>> let (Right r) = parse ldh_str "" "example-com"
+ -- >>> pretty_print $ backwards r
+ -- moc-elpmaxe
+ --
+ -- >>> let (Right r) = parse ldh_str "" "www-example-com"
+ -- >>> pretty_print $ backwards r
+ -- moc-elpmaxe-www
+ --
+ -- The easy case, reversing a one-character string.
+ backwards s@(LdhStrSingleLdh _) = s
+ -- For multiple-character strings, we have two cases. The first is
+ -- where we have exactly two characters, and we just need to swap them.
+ backwards (LdhStrMultipleLdh l (LdhStrSingleLdh m)) =
+ LdhStrMultipleLdh m (LdhStrSingleLdh l)
+ -- And now the hard case. We do this in terms of another function,
+ -- 'build'. The 'build' function works on two strings at a time: the
+ -- first one, @dst@, is the one we're building. We start with @l@ as
+ -- our @dst@, and then append characters to it on the left from
+ -- another string. What's that other string? Just @s@! If we peel
+ -- things off the left of @s@ and stick them to the left of @l@ and
+ -- do that until we can't anymore, we will have reversed the string.
+ backwards (LdhStrMultipleLdh l s) = build (LdhStrSingleLdh l) s
+ where
+ -- Build up the first LdhStr on the left by peeling off elements
+ -- of the second from the left.
+ build :: LdhStr -> LdhStr -> LdhStr
+ build dst (LdhStrSingleLdh final) = LdhStrMultipleLdh final dst
+ build dst (LdhStrMultipleLdh leading rest) =
+ build (LdhStrMultipleLdh leading dst) rest
+-- | Parse a string of letters, digits, and hyphens (an 'LdhStr').
+-- ==== _Examples_
+-- >>> import Text.Parsec ( parseTest )
+-- Single letters, digits, and hyphens are parsed:
+-- >>> parseTest ldh_str "a"
+-- LdhStrSingleLdh (LetDigHypLetDig (LetDigLetter (Letter 'a')))
+-- >>> parseTest ldh_str "0"
+-- LdhStrSingleLdh (LetDigHypLetDig (LetDigDigit (Digit '0')))
+-- >>> parseTest ldh_str "-"
+-- LdhStrSingleLdh (LetDigHypHyphen (Hyphen '-'))
+-- As well as strings of them:
+-- >>> import Text.Parsec ( parse )
+-- >>> pretty_print $ parse ldh_str "" "a0-b"
+-- a0-b
+ldh_str :: Parser LdhStr
+ldh_str = try both <|> just_one
+ where
+ both :: Parser LdhStr
+ both = do
+ ldh1 <- let_dig_hyp
+ ldh_tail <- ldh_str
+ return $ LdhStrMultipleLdh ldh1 ldh_tail
+ just_one :: Parser LdhStr
+ just_one = fmap LdhStrSingleLdh let_dig_hyp
+-- | Compute the length of an 'LdhStr'. It will be at least one, since
+-- 'LdhStr's are non-empty. And if there's something other than the
+-- first character present, we simply recurse.
+-- ==== _Examples_
+-- >>> import Text.Parsec ( parse )
+-- >>> let (Right r) = parse ldh_str "" "a"
+-- >>> ldh_str_length r
+-- 1
+-- >>> let (Right r) = parse ldh_str "" "abc-def"
+-- >>> ldh_str_length r
+-- 7
+ldh_str_length :: LdhStr -> Int
+ldh_str_length (LdhStrSingleLdh _) = 1
+ldh_str_length (LdhStrMultipleLdh _ t) = 1 + (ldh_str_length t)
--- /dev/null
+-- | The second-simplest module you'll ever see. It contains the
+-- 'LetDig' type and a Parsec parser to parse one. We don't export
+-- its constructor because then you could do something dumb like
+-- stick a hyphen inside one.
+-- These are defined in RFC1035, Section 2.3.1, \"Preferred name
+-- syntax\" <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1035#section-2.3.1>:
+-- <let-dig> ::= <letter> | <digit>
+module Network.DNS.RBL.Domain.LetDig (
+ LetDig,
+ let_dig )
+import Text.Parsec ( (<|>) )
+import Text.Parsec.String ( Parser )
+import Network.DNS.RBL.Domain.Digit ( Digit, digit )
+import Network.DNS.RBL.Domain.Letter ( Letter, letter )
+import Network.DNS.RBL.Pretty ( Pretty(..) )
+-- | A sum type representing either a letter or a digit.
+-- ==== _Examples_
+-- >>> import Text.Parsec ( parse )
+-- >>> let (Right r) = parse letter "" "x"
+-- >>> LetDigLetter r
+-- LetDigLetter (Letter 'x')
+-- >>> let (Right r) = parse digit "" "1"
+-- >>> LetDigDigit r
+-- LetDigDigit (Digit '1')
+-- Case-insensitive equality is derived from that of 'Letter':
+-- >>> let (Right r1) = parse letter "" "x"
+-- >>> let (Right r2) = parse letter "" "X"
+-- >>> LetDigLetter r1 == LetDigLetter r2
+-- True
+data LetDig =
+ LetDigLetter Letter |
+ LetDigDigit Digit
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+-- | Pretty-printing for letters that we've already parsed. Just
+-- shows/prints the letter or digit character.
+-- ==== _Examples_
+-- >>> import Text.Parsec ( parse )
+-- >>> let (Right r) = parse letter "" "x"
+-- >>> pretty_print $ LetDigLetter r
+-- x
+-- >>> let (Right r) = parse digit "" "1"
+-- >>> pretty_print $ LetDigDigit r
+-- 1
+instance Pretty LetDig where
+ pretty_show (LetDigLetter l) = pretty_show l
+ pretty_show (LetDigDigit d) = pretty_show d
+-- | Parse a letter or a digit and wrap it in our 'LetDig' type.
+-- ==== _Examples_
+-- >>> import Text.Parsec ( parseTest )
+-- Letters are parsed correctly:
+-- >>> parseTest let_dig "x"
+-- LetDigLetter (Letter 'x')
+-- Digits are too:
+-- >>> parseTest let_dig "1"
+-- LetDigDigit (Digit '1')
+-- But not, for example, hyphens:
+-- >>> parseTest let_dig "-"
+-- parse error at (line 1, column 1):
+-- unexpected "-"
+-- expecting letter or digit
+let_dig :: Parser LetDig
+let_dig = (fmap LetDigLetter letter) <|> (fmap LetDigDigit digit)
--- /dev/null
+-- | This module contains the 'LetDigHyp' type and a Parsec parser to
+-- parse one. We don't export its constructor because then you could
+-- do something dumb like stick a semicolon inside one.
+-- These are defined in RFC1035, Section 2.3.1, \"Preferred name
+-- syntax\" <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1035#section-2.3.1>:
+-- <let-dig-hyp> ::= <let-dig> | "-"
+-- We export the constructors of 'LetDigHyp' so that we can pattern
+-- match against them when checking to see if a label ends with a
+-- hyphen.
+module Network.DNS.RBL.Domain.LetDigHyp (
+ LetDigHyp(..),
+ let_dig_hyp )
+import Text.Parsec ( (<|>) )
+import Text.Parsec.String ( Parser )
+import Network.DNS.RBL.Domain.Hyphen ( Hyphen, hyphen )
+import Network.DNS.RBL.Domain.LetDig ( LetDig, let_dig )
+import Network.DNS.RBL.Pretty ( Pretty(..) )
+-- | A sum type representing a letter, digit, or hyphen.
+-- ==== _Examples_
+-- >>> import Text.Parsec ( parse )
+-- We can create a 'LetDigHyp' from any appropriate value:
+-- >>> let (Right r) = parse let_dig "" "1"
+-- >>> LetDigHypLetDig r
+-- LetDigHypLetDig (LetDigDigit (Digit '1'))
+-- >>> let (Right r) = parse let_dig "" "x"
+-- >>> LetDigHypLetDig r
+-- LetDigHypLetDig (LetDigLetter (Letter 'x'))
+-- >>> let (Right r) = parse hyphen "" "-"
+-- >>> LetDigHypHyphen r
+-- LetDigHypHyphen (Hyphen '-')
+data LetDigHyp =
+ LetDigHypLetDig LetDig |
+ LetDigHypHyphen Hyphen
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+-- | Pretty-printing for letters, digits, or hyphens that we've
+-- already parsed. Just shows/prints the underlying character.
+-- ==== _Examples_
+-- >>> import Text.Parsec ( parse )
+-- >>> let (Right r) = parse let_dig "" "1"
+-- >>> pretty_print $ LetDigHypLetDig r
+-- 1
+-- >>> let (Right r) = parse let_dig "" "x"
+-- >>> pretty_print $ LetDigHypLetDig r
+-- x
+-- >>> let (Right r) = parse hyphen "" "-"
+-- >>> pretty_print $ LetDigHypHyphen r
+-- -
+instance Pretty LetDigHyp where
+ pretty_show (LetDigHypLetDig ld) = pretty_show ld
+ pretty_show (LetDigHypHyphen h) = pretty_show h
+-- | A parser that will parse either a 'LetDig', or a 'Hyphen'. The
+-- result is packed in a 'LetDigHyp'.
+-- ==== _Examples_
+-- >>> import Text.Parsec ( parseTest )
+-- Letters, digits, and hyphens are all parsed:
+-- >>> parseTest let_dig_hyp "a"
+-- LetDigHypLetDig (LetDigLetter (Letter 'a'))
+-- >>> parseTest let_dig_hyp "7"
+-- LetDigHypLetDig (LetDigDigit (Digit '7'))
+-- >>> parseTest let_dig_hyp "-"
+-- LetDigHypHyphen (Hyphen '-')
+-- However, an underscore (for example) is not:
+-- >>> parseTest let_dig_hyp "_"
+-- parse error at (line 1, column 1):
+-- unexpected "_"
+-- expecting letter, digit or "-"
+let_dig_hyp :: Parser LetDigHyp
+let_dig_hyp =
+ parse_letdig <|> parse_hyphen
+ where
+ parse_letdig :: Parser LetDigHyp
+ parse_letdig = fmap LetDigHypLetDig let_dig
+ parse_hyphen :: Parser LetDigHyp
+ parse_hyphen = fmap LetDigHypHyphen hyphen
--- /dev/null
+-- | The... also... the simplest module you'll ever see. It contains
+-- the 'Letter' type and a Parsec parser to parse one. We don't
+-- export its constructor because then you could do something dumb
+-- like stick a digit inside one.
+-- These are defined in RFC1035, Section 2.3.1, \"Preferred name
+-- syntax\" <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1035#section-2.3.1>:
+-- <letter> ::= any one of the 52 alphabetic characters A through
+-- Z in upper case and a through z in lower case
+module Network.DNS.RBL.Domain.Letter (
+ Letter,
+ letter )
+import Data.Char ( toLower )
+import qualified Text.Parsec as Parsec ( letter )
+import Text.Parsec.String ( Parser )
+import Network.DNS.RBL.Pretty ( Pretty(..) )
+-- * Letters
+-- | A wrapper around a letter character.
+-- ==== _Examples_
+-- >>> Letter 'x'
+-- Letter 'x'
+newtype Letter = Letter Char deriving (Show)
+-- | Pretty-printing for letters that we've already parsed. Just
+-- shows/prints the letter character.
+-- ==== _Examples_
+-- >>> let l = Letter 'x'
+-- >>> pretty_print l
+-- x
+instance Pretty Letter where pretty_show (Letter l) = [l]
+-- | Parse a single letter, but wrap it in our 'Letter' type.
+-- ==== _Examples_
+-- >>> import Text.Parsec ( parseTest )
+-- Letters are parsed correctly:
+-- >>> parseTest letter "x"
+-- Letter 'x'
+-- But digits are not:
+-- >>> parseTest letter "1"
+-- parse error at (line 1, column 1):
+-- unexpected "1"
+-- expecting letter
+letter :: Parser Letter
+letter = fmap Letter Parsec.letter
+-- | The derived instance of 'Eq' for letters is incorrect. All
+-- comparisons should be made case-insensitively. The following
+-- is an excerpt from RFC1035:
+-- 2.3.3. Character Case
+-- For all parts of the DNS that are part of the official
+-- protocol, all comparisons between character strings (e.g.,
+-- labels, domain names, etc.) are done in a case-insensitive
+-- manner...
+-- Since each part of DNS name is composed of our custom types, it
+-- suffices to munge the equality for 'Letter'. RFC4343
+-- <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4343> clarifies the
+-- case-insensitivity rules, but the fact that we're treating DNS
+-- names as strings makes most of those problems go away (in
+-- exchange for new ones).
+-- ==== _Examples_
+-- >>> let l1 = Letter 'x'
+-- >>> let l2 = Letter 'x'
+-- >>> let l3 = Letter 'X'
+-- >>> let l4 = Letter 'X'
+-- >>> l1 == l2
+-- True
+-- >>> l1 == l3
+-- True
+-- >>> l1 == l4
+-- True
+-- >>> l3 == l4
+-- True
+instance Eq Letter where
+ (Letter l1) == (Letter l2) = (toLower l1) == (toLower l2)