elt = self.from_vector(multiplication_table[i][j])
self._multiplication_table[i][j] = elt
+ self._multiplication_table = tuple(map(tuple, self._multiplication_table))
# Save our inner product as a matrix, since the efficiency of
# matrix multiplication will usually outweigh the fact that we
# have to store a redundant upper- or lower-triangular part.
# in fact) in case some e.g. matrix multiplication routine can
# take advantage of it.
self._inner_product_matrix = matrix(field, inner_product_table)
- self._inner_product_matrix._cache = {'hermitian': False}
+ self._inner_product_matrix._cache = {'hermitian': True}
+ self._inner_product_matrix.set_immutable()
if check_axioms:
if not self._is_jordanian():
self._deortho_multiplication_table = None
self._deortho_inner_product_table = None
+ if orthonormalize:
+ # Compute the deorthonormalized tables before we orthonormalize
+ # the given basis.
+ W = V.span_of_basis( vector_basis )
+ # TODO: use symmetry
+ self._deortho_multiplication_table = [ [0 for j in range(n)]
+ for i in range(n) ]
+ self._deortho_inner_product_table = [ [0 for j in range(n)]
+ for i in range(n) ]
+ # Note: the Jordan and inner-products are defined in terms
+ # of the ambient basis. It's important that their arguments
+ # are in ambient coordinates as well.
+ for i in range(n):
+ for j in range(i+1):
+ # given basis w.r.t. ambient coords
+ q_i = vector_basis[i]
+ q_j = vector_basis[j]
+ if basis_is_matrices:
+ q_i = _vec2mat(q_i)
+ q_j = _vec2mat(q_j)
+ elt = jordan_product(q_i, q_j)
+ ip = inner_product(q_i, q_j)
+ if basis_is_matrices:
+ # do another mat2vec because the multiplication
+ # table is in terms of vectors
+ elt = _mat2vec(elt)
+ # TODO: use symmetry
+ elt = W.coordinate_vector(elt)
+ self._deortho_multiplication_table[i][j] = elt
+ self._deortho_multiplication_table[j][i] = elt
+ self._deortho_inner_product_table[i][j] = ip
+ self._deortho_inner_product_table[j][i] = ip
+ if self._deortho_multiplication_table is not None:
+ self._deortho_multiplication_table = tuple(map(tuple, self._deortho_multiplication_table))
+ if self._deortho_inner_product_table is not None:
+ self._deortho_inner_product_table = tuple(map(tuple, self._deortho_inner_product_table))
if orthonormalize:
from mjo.eja.eja_utils import gram_schmidt
vector_basis = gram_schmidt(vector_basis, inner_product)
W = V.span_of_basis( vector_basis )
- mult_table = [ [0 for i in range(n)] for j in range(n) ]
- ip_table = [ [0 for i in range(n)] for j in range(n) ]
+ # TODO: use symmetry
+ mult_table = [ [0 for j in range(n)] for i in range(n) ]
+ ip_table = [ [0 for j in range(n)] for i in range(n) ]
# Note: the Jordan and inner- products are defined in terms
# of the ambient basis. It's important that their arguments
# table is in terms of vectors
elt = _mat2vec(elt)
+ # TODO: use symmetry
elt = W.coordinate_vector(elt)
mult_table[i][j] = elt
mult_table[j][i] = elt
-class RationalBasisEuclideanJordanAlgebra(FiniteDimensionalEuclideanJordanAlgebra):
- r"""
- Algebras whose basis consists of vectors with rational
- entries. Equivalently, algebras whose multiplication tables
- contain only rational coefficients.
- When an EJA has a basis that can be made rational, we can speed up
- the computation of its characteristic polynomial by doing it over
- ``QQ``. All of the named EJA constructors that we provide fall
- into this category.
- """
def _charpoly_coefficients(self):
- Override the parent method with something that tries to compute
- over a faster (non-extension) field.
- sage: from mjo.eja.eja_algebra import JordanSpinEJA
+ sage: from mjo.eja.eja_algebra import (BilinearFormEJA,
+ ....: JordanSpinEJA)
+ The returned coefficients should be the same as if we'd never
+ orthonormalized the basis to begin with::
+ sage: B = matrix(QQ, [[1, 0, 0],
+ ....: [0, 25, -32],
+ ....: [0, -32, 41] ])
+ sage: J1 = BilinearFormEJA(B)
+ sage: J2 = BilinearFormEJA(B,QQ,orthonormalize=False)
+ sage: J1._charpoly_coefficients()
+ (X1^2 - 25*X2^2 + 64*X2*X3 - 41*X3^2, -2*X1)
+ sage: J2._charpoly_coefficients()
+ (X1^2 - 25*X2^2 + 64*X2*X3 - 41*X3^2, -2*X1)
The base ring of the resulting polynomial coefficients is what
it should be, and not the rationals (unless the algebra was
already over the rationals)::
Algebraic Real Field
sage: a0.base_ring()
Algebraic Real Field
if self.base_ring() is QQ:
# There's no need to construct *another* algebra over the
# rationals if this one is already over the rationals.
- superclass = super(RationalBasisEuclideanJordanAlgebra, self)
+ superclass = super(RationalBasisEuclideanJordanAlgebraNg, self)
return superclass._charpoly_coefficients()
- mult_table = tuple(
- tuple(map(lambda x: x.to_vector(), ls))
- for ls in self._multiplication_table
- )
# Do the computation over the rationals. The answer will be
- # the same, because our basis coordinates are (essentially)
- # rational.
+ # the same, because all we've done is a change of basis.
J = FiniteDimensionalEuclideanJordanAlgebra(QQ,
- mult_table,
- check_field=False,
- check_axioms=False)
+ self._deortho_multiplication_table,
+ self._deortho_inner_product_table)
a = J._charpoly_coefficients()
return tuple(map(lambda x: x.change_ring(self.base_ring()), a))
class ConcreteEuclideanJordanAlgebra:
A class for the Euclidean Jordan algebras that we know by name.