[0*v1, D2]])
return (P1,L1,D1)
+def ldlt_fast(A):
+ r"""
+ Perform a fast, pivoted `LDL^{T}` factorization of the Hermitian
+ positive-semidefinite matrix `A`.
+ This function is much faster than ``ldlt_naive`` because the
+ tail-recursion has been unrolled into a loop.
+ """
+ n = A.nrows()
+ ring = A.base_ring().fraction_field()
+ A = A.change_ring(ring)
+ # Don't try to store the results in the lower-left-hand corner of
+ # "A" itself; there lies madness.
+ L = copy(A.matrix_space().identity_matrix())
+ D = copy(A.matrix_space().zero())
+ # Keep track of the permutations in a vector rather than in a
+ # matrix, for efficiency.
+ p = list(range(n))
+ for k in range(n):
+ # We need to loop once for every diagonal entry in the
+ # matrix. So, as many times as it has rows/columns. At each
+ # step, we obtain the permutation needed to put things in the
+ # right place, then the "next" entry (alpha) of D, and finally
+ # another column of L.
+ diags = A.diagonal()[k:n]
+ alpha = max(diags)
+ # We're working *within* the matrix ``A``, so every index is
+ # offset by k. For example: after the second step, we should
+ # only be looking at the lower 3-by-3 block of a 5-by-5 matrix.
+ s = k + diags.index(alpha)
+ # Move the largest diagonal element up into the top-left corner
+ # of the block we're working on (the one starting from index k,k).
+ # Presumably this is faster than hitting the thing with a
+ # permutation matrix.
+ A.swap_columns(k,s)
+ A.swap_rows(k,s)
+ # Have to do L, too, to keep track of the "P2.T" (which is 1 x
+ # P3.T which is 1 x P4 T)... in the recursive
+ # algorithm. There, we compute P2^T from the bottom up. Here,
+ # we apply the permutations one at a time, essentially
+ # building them top-down (but just applying them instead of
+ # building them.
+ L.swap_columns(k,s)
+ L.swap_rows(k,s)
+ # Update the permutation "matrix" with the next swap.
+ p_k = p[k]
+ p[k] = p[s]
+ p[s] = p_k
+ # Now the largest diagonal is in the top-left corner of
+ # the block below and to the right of index k,k....
+ # Note: same as ``pivot``.
+ D[k,k] = alpha
+ # When alpha is zero, we can just leave the rest of the D/L entries
+ # zero... which is exactly how they start out.
+ if alpha != 0:
+ # Update the "next" block of A that we'll work on during
+ # the following iteration. I think it's faster to get the
+ # entries of a row than a column here?
+ v = vector(ring, A[k,k+1:n].list())
+ b = v.column()*v.row()/alpha
+ for i in range(n-k-1):
+ for j in range(i+1):
+ # Something goes wrong if I try to access the kth row/column
+ # of A to save the intermediate "b" here...
+ A[k+1+i,k+1+j] = A[k+1+i,k+1+j] - b[i,j]
+ A[k+1+j,k+1+i] = A[k+1+i,k+1+j] # keep it symmetric!
+ # Store the "new" (kth) column of L.
+ for i in range(n-k-1):
+ L[k+i+1,k] = v[i]/alpha
+ I = A.matrix_space().identity_matrix()
+ P = matrix.column( I.row(p[j]) for j in range(n) )
+ return P,L,D