If $R$ is a \index{commutative ring}, then $\polyring{R}{X,Y,Z}$
is a multivariate polynomial ring with indeterminates $X$, $Y$,
and $Z$, and coefficients in $R$. If $R$ is a moreover an integral
- domain, then its fraction field is $\Frac{R}$.
+ domain, then its fraction field is $\Frac{R}$. If $x,y,z \in R$,
+ then $\ideal{\set{x,y,z}}$ is the ideal generated by $\set{x,y,z}$,
+ which is defined to be the smallest ideal in $R$ containing that set.
% some cases for... a quotient field (something mod something).
+% The ideal generated by its argument, a subset consisting of ring or
+% algebra elements.
% The polynomial ring whose underlying commutative ring of
% coefficients is the first argument and whose indeterminates (a
% comma-separated list) are the second argumnt.