name: mailbox-count
-version: 0.1.0
+version: 0.0.1
cabal-version: >= 1.8
author: Michael Orlitzky
maintainer: Michael Orlitzky <>
executable mailbox-count
- base == 4.*,
- cmdargs == 0.10.*,
- configurator == 0.2.*,
- containers == 0.5.*,
- directory == 1.2.*,
- filepath == 1.3.*,
- HDBC == 2.4.*,
- HDBC-postgresql == 2.3.*,
- HDBC-sqlite3 == 2.3.*,
- MissingH == 1.2.*,
- tasty == 0.8.*,
- tasty-hunit == 0.8.*
+ base >= 4.6 && < 5,
+ cmdargs >= 0.10,
+ configurator >= 0.2,
+ containers >= 0.5,
+ directory >= 1.2,
+ filepath >= 1.3,
+ HDBC >= 2.4,
+ HDBC-postgresql >= 2.3,
+ HDBC-sqlite3 >= 2.3,
+ MissingH >= 1.2,
+ tasty >= 0.8,
+ tasty-hunit >= 0.8
hs-source-dirs: src test
main-is: TestSuite.hs
- base == 4.*,
- cmdargs == 0.10.*,
- configurator == 0.2.*,
- containers == 0.5.*,
- directory == 1.2.*,
- filepath == 1.3.*,
- HDBC == 2.4.*,
- HDBC-postgresql == 2.3.*,
- HDBC-sqlite3 == 2.3.*,
- MissingH == 1.2.*,
- tasty == 0.8.*,
- tasty-hunit == 0.8.*
+ base >= 4.6 && < 5,
+ cmdargs >= 0.10,
+ configurator >= 0.2,
+ containers >= 0.5,
+ directory >= 1.2,
+ filepath >= 1.3,
+ HDBC >= 2.4,
+ HDBC-postgresql >= 2.3,
+ HDBC-sqlite3 >= 2.3,
+ MissingH >= 1.2,
+ tasty >= 0.8,
+ tasty-hunit >= 0.8
-- It's not entirely clear to me why I have to reproduce all of this.
hs-source-dirs: test
main-is: Doctests.hs
- base == 4.*,
+ base >= 4.6 && < 5,
-- Additional test dependencies.
- doctest == 0.9.*,
- filemanip == 0.3.6.*
+ doctest >= 0.9,
+ filemanip >= 0.3.6
-- It's not entirely clear to me why I have to reproduce all of this.