return cls(n, field, **kwargs)
- def rank(self):
+ def _charpoly_coefficients(self):
+ r"""
+ The `r` polynomial coefficients of the "characteristic polynomial
+ of" function.
+ n = self.dimension()
+ var_names = [ "X" + str(z) for z in range(1,n+1) ]
+ R = PolynomialRing(self.base_ring(), var_names)
+ vars = R.gens()
+ F = R.fraction_field()
+ def L_x_i_j(i,j):
+ # From a result in my book, these are the entries of the
+ # basis representation of L_x.
+ return sum( vars[k]*self.monomial(k).operator().matrix()[i,j]
+ for k in range(n) )
+ L_x = matrix(F, n, n, L_x_i_j)
+ # Compute an extra power in case the rank is equal to
+ # the dimension (otherwise, we would stop at x^(r-1)).
+ x_powers = [ (L_x**k)*
+ for k in range(n+1) ]
+ A = matrix.column(F, x_powers[:n])
+ AE = A.extended_echelon_form()
+ E = AE[:,n:]
+ A_rref = AE[:,:n]
+ r = A_rref.rank()
+ b = x_powers[r]
+ # The theory says that only the first "r" coefficients are
+ # nonzero, and they actually live in the original polynomial
+ # ring and not the fraction field. We negate them because
+ # in the actual characteristic polynomial, they get moved
+ # to the other side where x^r lives.
+ return -A_rref.solve_right(E*b).change_ring(R)[:r]
+ @cached_method
+ def rank(self):
+ r"""
Return the rank of this EJA.
- n = self.dimension()
- if n == 0:
- return 0
- elif n == 1:
- return 1
- var_names = [ "X" + str(z) for z in range(1,n+1) ]
- R = PolynomialRing(self.base_ring(), var_names)
- vars = R.gens()
- def L_x_i_j(i,j):
- # From a result in my book, these are the entries of the
- # basis representation of L_x.
- return sum( vars[k]*self.monomial(k).operator().matrix()[i,j]
- for k in range(n) )
- L_x = matrix(R, n, n, L_x_i_j)
- x_powers = [ vars[k]*(L_x**k)*
- for k in range(n) ]
- # Can assume n >= 2
- M = matrix([x_powers[0]])
- old_rank = 1
- for d in range(1,n):
- M = matrix(M.rows() + [x_powers[d]])
- M.echelonize()
- # TODO: we've basically solved the system here.
- # We should save the echelonized matrix somehow
- # so that it can be reused in the charpoly method.
- new_rank = M.rank()
- if new_rank == old_rank:
- return new_rank
- else:
- old_rank = new_rank
- return n
+ return len(self._charpoly_coefficients())
def vector_space(self):