import BigFloat
-import NumericPrelude hiding ( abs )
+-- Ensure that we don't use the Lattice.C "max" function, that
+-- only works on Integer/Bool.
+import NumericPrelude hiding ( abs, max )
import Algebra.Absolute ( abs )
import qualified Algebra.Absolute as Absolute ( C )
import qualified Algebra.Algebraic as Algebraic ( C )
import qualified Algebra.RealField as RealField ( C )
import qualified Algebra.ToInteger as ToInteger ( C )
import qualified Algebra.ToRational as ToRational ( C )
-import Data.Vector.Fixed ( S, Z )
import qualified Data.Vector.Fixed as V (
- map,
- maximum )
+ foldl,
+ map )
import Data.Vector.Fixed.Boxed ( Vec )
+import qualified Prelude as P ( max )
import Linear.Vector ( element_sum )
norm_infty = abs . fromRational' . toRational
--- | 'Normed' instance for vectors of length zero. These are easy.
-instance Normed (Vec Z a) where
- norm_p _ = const (fromInteger 0)
- norm_infty = const (fromInteger 0)
--- | 'Normed' instance for vectors of length greater than zero. We
--- need to know that the length is non-zero in order to invoke
--- V.maximum. We will generally be working with n-by-1 /matrices/
--- instead of vectors, but sometimes it's convenient to have these
--- instances anyway.
+-- | 'Normed' instance for vectors of any length. We will generally be
+-- working with n-by-1 /matrices/ instead of vectors, but sometimes
+-- it's convenient to have these instances anyway.
-- Examples:
-- >>> import Data.Vector.Fixed (mk3)
--- >>> import Linear.Vector (Vec3)
+-- >>> import Linear.Vector (Vec0, Vec3)
-- >>> let b = mk3 1 2 3 :: Vec3 Double
-- >>> norm_p 1 b :: Double
-- 6.0
-- >>> norm_infty b :: Double
-- 3.0
+-- >>> let b = undefined :: Vec0 Int
+-- >>> norm b
+-- 0.0
instance (V.Arity n, Absolute.C a, ToRational.C a, Ord a)
- => Normed (Vec (S n) a) where
+ => Normed (Vec n a) where
norm_p p x =
(root p') $ element_sum $ element_function x
element_function y = fromRational' $ (toRational y)^p'
p' = toInteger p
- norm_infty x = fromRational' $ toRational $ V.maximum $ abs x
+ norm_infty x = fromRational' $ toRational $ (V.foldl P.max 0) $ abs x