--- /dev/null
+module ListUtils
+( pad_left_to,
+ pad_right_to,
+ splitWith
+) where
+-- Stolen from ByteString. Splits a list at each element satisfying
+-- the predicate p.
+splitWith :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
+splitWith p xs =
+ ys : case zs of
+ [] -> []
+ _:ws -> splitWith p ws
+ where (ys,zs) = break p xs
+-- Pads a list (on the left) to length len by prepending pad_elem.
+pad_left_to :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
+pad_left_to len pad_elem xs =
+ if (length xs) >= len then
+ xs
+ else
+ (replicate padcount pad_elem) ++ xs
+ where
+ padcount = len - (length xs)
+-- Pads a list (on the right) to length len by appending pad_elem.
+pad_right_to :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
+pad_right_to len pad_elem xs =
+ if (length xs) >= len then
+ xs
+ else
+ xs ++ (replicate padcount pad_elem)
+ where
+ padcount = len - (length xs)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import Text.Regex.Posix
--- Stolen from ByteString. Splits a list at each element satisfying
--- the predicate p.
-splitWith :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
-splitWith p xs =
- ys : case zs of
- [] -> []
- _:ws -> splitWith p ws
- where (ys,zs) = break p xs
+import ListUtils
-- Takes an IP address in CIDR notation, and returns a list of its
-- octets (converted to Int).
maskbits cidr = read ((splitWith (`elem` "/") cidr) !! 1)
--- Pads a list (on the left) to length len by prepending pad_elem.
-pad_left_to :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
-pad_left_to len pad_elem xs =
- if (length xs) >= len then
- xs
- else
- (replicate padcount pad_elem) ++ xs
- where
- padcount = len - (length xs)
--- Pads a list (on the right) to length len by appending pad_elem.
-pad_right_to :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
-pad_right_to len pad_elem xs =
- if (length xs) >= len then
- xs
- else
- xs ++ (replicate padcount pad_elem)
- where
- padcount = len - (length xs)
-- Takes an Int, and returns its base-two representation as a String.
base_two :: Int -> String
base_two n = N.showIntAtBase 2 DC.intToDigit n ""