--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+We take a Well-Known Text string and one or more KML files as
+parameters. We convert the WKT string to a polygon, and drag that
+polygon along the paths defined within the KML files. For each path,
+the result is another (longer) polygon, whose contained population is
+import os
+import site
+import sys
+# Basically, add '../src' to our path.
+# Needed for the imports that follow.
+site.addsitedir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) + '/../src')
+import Census
+import CLI
+import Configuration.Defaults
+import ExitCodes
+import Geometry
+import KML
+usage = '%prog [options] <well-known text> <kml file #1>, [kml file #2,...]'
+# -h (help) Conflicts with -h HOSTNAME
+parser = CLI.default_option_parser(usage)
+# Use this module's docstring as the description.
+parser.description = __doc__.strip()
+ '--srid',
+ type="int",
+ help="SRID of the input geometry. Defaults to %s." % Configuration.Defaults.SRID,
+ default=Configuration.Defaults.SRID)
+(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+if len(args) < 2:
+ print """
+ERROR: You must supply both a Well-Known Text string, and a KML file
+ containing a linestring.
+ parser.print_help()
+ print '' # Print a newline
+ raise SystemExit(ExitCodes.NOT_ENOUGH_ARGS)
+wkt_string = args[0]
+paths = args[1:]
+for path in paths:
+ f = open(path, 'r')
+ kml = f.read()
+ f.close()
+ coords = KML.LineString.tuples_from_kml(kml)
+ p = Geometry.Polygon.from_wkt(wkt_string)
+ death_tube = None
+ for i in range(len(coords) - 1):
+ # For each coordinate (except the last), we want to:
+ # a) Translate our polygon to the coordinate.
+ # b) Drag the polygon to the next coordinate.
+ this_coord = Geometry.TwoVector(coords[i][0], coords[i][1])
+ next_coord = Geometry.TwoVector(coords[i+1][0], coords[i+1][1])
+ drag_vector = (next_coord - this_coord)
+ tp = p.translate(this_coord)
+ if (death_tube == None):
+ death_tube = tp.drag(drag_vector)
+ else:
+ death_tube = death_tube.union(tp.drag(drag_vector))
+ cdb = Census.Database(options.host,
+ options.database,
+ options.username,
+ options.srid)
+ pop = cdb.find_contained_population(death_tube.wkt())
+ print "Path: %s; Population: %d" % (path, pop)