return ":".join([ip[(4*i) : (4*i+4)] for i in range(8)])
-def decode_client(words, i):
+def decode_client(words : list, i : int):
+ r"""
+ Helper function to decode the client field in a dnscache log
+ entry.
+ There are two possible formats for the client field,
+ 1. clientip:clientport, used by tcpopen/tcpclose entries,
+ 2. clientip:clientport:id, used by "query" entries.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ words : list
+ The ``words`` list (a list of fields) from
+ :func:`handle_dnscache_log`.
+ i : int
+ The index of the client field within ``words``
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Nothing; the ``i``th entry in the ``words`` list is modified
+ in-place.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> words = ["foo", "bar", "7f000001:9253", "quux"]
+ >>> decode_client(words, 2)
+ >>> words
+ ['foo', 'bar', '', 'quux']
+ >>> words = ["foo", "7f000001:a3db:4fb9", "bar", "quux"]
+ >>> decode_client(words, 1)
+ >>> words
+ ['foo', ' (id 20409)', 'bar', 'quux']
+ """
chunks = words[i].split(":")
ip = convert_ip(chunks[0])