Import Data.Number.BigFloat in the .ghci file.
Add a doctest for newtons_method using BigFloat.
-- Load everything.
:l src/Roots/Simple.hs
+-- Just for convenience.
+import Data.Number.BigFloat
-- Use a calmer prompt.
:set prompt "numerical-analysis> "
base == 4.5.*,
+ numbers == 3000.1.*,
+ -- Test deps
HUnit == 1.2.*,
QuickCheck == 2.*,
test-framework == 0.6.*,
main-is: Doctests.hs
base == 4.5.*,
+ numbers == 3000.1.*,
-- Additional test dependencies.
doctest == 0.7.*
-- >>> abs (f root) < 1/100000
-- True
+-- >>> import Data.Number.BigFloat
+-- >>> let eps = 1/(10^20) :: BigFloat Prec50
+-- >>> let Just root = newtons_method f f' eps 2
+-- >>> root
+-- 1.13472413840151949260544605450647284028100785303643e0
+-- >>> abs (f root) < eps
+-- True
newtons_method :: (Fractional a, Ord a)
=> (a -> a) -- ^ The function @f@ whose root we seek
-> (a -> a) -- ^ The derivative of @f@