Make the summary/default queries configurable.
-1. Don't add things to the connection string if they're empty.
+1. Add everything to the man page.
-2. Make the summary/detail queries optional.
-3. Add everything to the man page.
-4. Come up with a better cabal description field.
+2. Come up with a better cabal description field.
# Sample configuration file for mailbox-count.
-# The name of the database to which we should connect.
+# The name of the database (or file, if SQLite) to which we should connect.
# Default: The name of the current user (Postgres only)
# detail = true
-# Hostname where the database is located.
+# SQL query used to produce the detail report. This should return the
+# set of all (domain, username) pairs. See the default value for an
+# example.
+# Default: "SELECT domain,username FROM mailbox ORDER BY domain;"
+# detail_query = "SELECT domain,username FROM mailbox LIMIT 1000;"
+# Hostname where the database is located (postgres-only).
# Default: None, a UNIX domain socket connection is attempted (Postgres only)
# host = "localhost"
-# Password used to connect to the database.
+# Password used to connect to the database (postgres-only).
# Default: None (assumes passwordless authentication)
# password = "hunter2"
-# Port number used to connect to the database.
+# Port number used to connect to the database (postgres-only).
# Default: None, a UNIX domain socket connection is attempted (Postgres only)
# port = 5432
-# Username used to connect to the database.
+# SQL query used to produce the summary report. This should return
+# (domain, user count) pairs. See the default value for an
+# example.
+# Default: "SELECT domain,COUNT(username) FROM mailbox GROUP BY domain ORDER BY domain;"
+# summary_query = "SELECT domain,COUNT(username) as cnt GROUP BY domain ORDER by cnt;"
+# Username used to connect to the database (postgres-only).
# Default: The current user
database_help :: String
database_help =
- "The name of the database to which we should connect"
+ "The name of the database (or file, if SQLite) to which we should connect"
detail_help :: String
detail_help =
"Produce a detailed report listing all mailboxes by domain"
+detail_query_help :: String
+detail_query_help =
+ "SQL query used to produce the detail report"
host_help :: String
host_help =
- "Hostname where the database is located"
+ "Hostname where the database is located (postgres-only)"
password_help :: String
password_help =
- "Password used to connect to the database"
+ "Password used to connect to the database (postgres-only)"
port_help :: String
port_help =
- "Port number used to connect to the database"
+ "Port number used to connect to the database (postgres-only)"
+summary_query_help :: String
+summary_query_help =
+ "SQL query used to produce the summary report"
username_help :: String
username_help =
- "Username used to connect to the database"
+ "Username used to connect to the database (postgres-only)"
arg_spec :: OptionalConfiguration
-arg_spec = OptionalConfiguration
- { database = def &= help database_help,
- detail = def &= help detail_help,
- host = def &= help host_help,
- password = def &= help password_help,
- port = def &= help port_help,
- username = def &= help username_help }
- &= program program_name
- &= summary my_summary
- &= details [description]
+arg_spec =
+ OptionalConfiguration {
+ database = def &= help database_help,
+ detail = def &= help detail_help,
+ detail_query = def &= help detail_query_help,
+ host = def &= help host_help,
+ password = def &= help password_help,
+ port = def &= help port_help,
+ summary_query = def &= help summary_query_help,
+ username = def &= help username_help }
+ &= program program_name
+ &= summary my_summary
+ &= details [description]
get_args :: IO OptionalConfiguration
get_args = cmdArgs arg_spec
Configuration {
database :: Maybe String,
detail :: Bool,
+ detail_query :: String,
host :: Maybe String,
password :: Maybe String,
port :: Maybe Int,
+ summary_query :: String,
username :: Maybe String }
deriving (Show)
-- | A Configuration with all of its fields set to their default
-- values.
instance Default Configuration where
def = Configuration {
database = def,
detail = def,
+ detail_query = def_detail_query,
host = def,
password = def,
port = def,
+ summary_query = def_summary_query,
username = def }
+ where
+ def_summary_query = "SELECT domain,COUNT(username) " ++
+ "FROM mailbox " ++
+ "GROUP BY domain "++
+ "ORDER BY domain;"
+ def_detail_query = "SELECT domain,username " ++
+ "FROM mailbox " ++
+ "ORDER BY domain;"
-- | Merge a 'Configuration' with an 'OptionalConfiguration'. This is
-- more or less the Monoid instance for 'OptionalConfiguration', but
-- since the two types are different, we have to repeat ourselves.
merge_optional :: Configuration
-> OC.OptionalConfiguration
-> Configuration
(OC.merge_maybes (database cfg) (OC.database opt_cfg))
(merge (detail cfg) (OC.detail opt_cfg))
+ (merge (detail_query cfg) (OC.detail_query opt_cfg))
(OC.merge_maybes (host cfg) ( opt_cfg))
(OC.merge_maybes (password cfg) (OC.password opt_cfg))
(OC.merge_maybes (port cfg) (OC.port opt_cfg))
+ (merge (summary_query cfg) (OC.summary_query opt_cfg))
(OC.merge_maybes (username cfg) (OC.username opt_cfg))
-- | If the thing on the right is Just something, return that
+{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
module Main
import Data.Monoid ( (<>) )
import Data.String.Utils ( join )
import Database.HDBC.PostgreSQL ( connectPostgreSQL )
+import Database.HDBC.Sqlite3 ( connectSqlite3 )
import System.Console.CmdArgs ( def )
+import System.Directory ( doesFileExist )
import CommandLine ( get_args )
import Configuration ( Configuration(..), merge_optional )
import qualified OptionalConfiguration as OC ( from_rc )
import Report ( report )
-- | Construct a connection string (postgres-only, for now) from a
-- 'Configuration'. All of these are optional, at least for
-- Postgres, and so we want to avoid appending e.g. \"host=\" to the
-- log the errors.
let cfg = (def :: Configuration) `merge_optional` opt_config
- -- Check the optional config for missing required options.
- --when (isNothing (OC.password opt_config)) $ do
- -- report_error "No password supplied."
- -- exitWith (ExitFailure exit_no_password)
+ -- If a database name was specified, and that name exists as a file
+ -- on the system, assume that the user wanted to use SQLite.
+ r <- case (database cfg) of
+ Nothing -> connectPostgreSQL (connection_string cfg) >>= report cfg
- --when (isNothing (OC.username opt_config)) $ do
- -- report_error "No username supplied."
- --exitWith (ExitFailure exit_no_username)
+ Just dbname -> do
+ exists <- doesFileExist dbname
+ if exists
+ then connectSqlite3 dbname >>= report cfg
+ else connectPostgreSQL (connection_string cfg) >>= report cfg
- conn <- connectPostgreSQL (connection_string cfg)
- r <- report conn (detail cfg)
+ -- The DB connection is implicitly closed when it gets garbage collected.
putStrLn r
--- disconnect conn
OptionalConfiguration {
database :: Maybe String,
detail :: Maybe Bool,
+ detail_query :: Maybe String,
host :: Maybe String,
password :: Maybe String,
port :: Maybe Int,
+ summary_query :: Maybe String,
username :: Maybe String }
deriving (Show, Data, Typeable)
+ Nothing
+ Nothing
-- | Combine @cfg1@ and @cfg2@, giving precedence to @cfg2@.
cfg1 `mappend` cfg2 =
(merge_maybes (database cfg1) (database cfg2))
(merge_maybes (detail cfg1) (detail cfg2))
+ (merge_maybes (detail_query cfg1) (detail_query cfg2))
(merge_maybes (host cfg1) (host cfg2))
(merge_maybes (password cfg1) (password cfg2))
(merge_maybes (port cfg1) (port cfg2))
+ (merge_maybes (summary_query cfg1) (summary_query cfg2))
(merge_maybes (username cfg1) (username cfg2))
DC.Optional user_config_path ]
cfg_database <- DC.lookup cfg "database"
cfg_detail <- DC.lookup cfg "detail"
+ cfg_detail_query <- DC.lookup cfg "detail_query"
cfg_host <- DC.lookup cfg "host"
cfg_password <- DC.lookup cfg "password"
cfg_port <- DC.lookup cfg "port"
+ cfg_summary_query <- DC.lookup cfg "summary_query"
cfg_username <- DC.lookup cfg "username"
return $ OptionalConfiguration
+ cfg_detail_query
+ cfg_summary_query
quickQuery )
import Database.HDBC.Sqlite3 ( connectSqlite3 )
+import System.Console.CmdArgs.Default ( Default(..) )
import Test.Tasty ( TestTree, testGroup )
import Test.Tasty.HUnit ( (@?=), testCase )
+import Configuration ( Configuration(..) )
-- Type synonyms to make the signatures below a little more clear.
type Domain = String
num_spaces = longest_length - length d
+-- | The header that gets output before the summary report.
summary_header :: String
summary_header = "Summary (number of mailboxes per domain)\n" ++
-report_summary :: IConnection a => a -> IO String
-report_summary conn = do
+-- | Given a connection, produces the summary report as a 'String'.
+report_summary :: IConnection a => a -> String -> IO String
+report_summary conn query = do
list_rows <- quickQuery conn query []
let maybe_domain_counts = map list_to_domain_count list_rows
let domain_counts = catMaybes maybe_domain_counts
longest = maximumBy compare_dcs_by_length dcs
- query = "SELECT domain,COUNT(username) " ++
- "FROM mailbox " ++
- "GROUP BY domain "++
- "ORDER BY domain;"
-- | Construct a Domain -> [Username] (a DomainUserMap) map from a
Map.alter (append_func user) domain du_map
+-- | The header that gets output before the detail report.
detail_header :: String
detail_header = "Detail (list of all mailboxes by domain)\n" ++
-report_detail :: IConnection a => a -> IO String
-report_detail conn = do
+-- | Given a connection, produces the detail report as a 'String'.
+report_detail :: IConnection a => a -> String -> IO String
+report_detail conn query = do
list_rows <- quickQuery conn query []
let maybe_domain_users = map list_to_domain_user list_rows
let domain_users = catMaybes maybe_domain_users
let report_body = Map.foldl (++) "" domain_report_map
return $ detail_header ++ report_body
- query = "SELECT domain,username " ++
- "FROM mailbox " ++
- "ORDER BY domain;"
format_domain :: Domain -> [Username] -> String
format_domain domain users =
(join "\n" (domain_header : indented_users)) ++ "\n"
indented_users = map (" " ++) users
-report :: IConnection a => a -> Bool -> IO String
-report conn do_detail =
- if do_detail
- then report_detail conn
- else report_summary conn
+-- | Given a connection and a 'Configuration', produces the report as
+-- a 'String'.
+report :: IConnection a => Configuration -> a -> IO String
+report cfg conn =
+ if (detail cfg)
+ then report_detail conn (detail_query cfg)
+ else report_summary conn (summary_query cfg)
test_summary_report =
testCase desc $ do
conn <- connectSqlite3 "test/fixtures/postfixadmin.sqlite3"
- actual <- report_summary conn
+ let cfg = def :: Configuration
+ actual <- report_summary conn (summary_query cfg)
actual @?= expected
desc = "Summary report looks like it should"
test_detail_report =
testCase desc $ do
conn <- connectSqlite3 "test/fixtures/postfixadmin.sqlite3"
- actual <- report_detail conn
+ let cfg = def :: Configuration
+ actual <- report_detail conn (detail_query cfg)
actual @?= expected
desc = "Detail report looks like it should"