import Network.Curl.Download (openURI)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, getTemporaryDirectory)
-import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
-import System.IO.Temp (openBinaryTempFile)
+import System.IO (hClose, hPutStrLn, stderr)
+import System.IO.Temp (openBinaryTempFile, openTempFile)
import LWN.URI (filename)
CurlVerbose True ]
+make_cookie_jar :: IO FilePath
+make_cookie_jar = do
+ temp_dir <- getTemporaryDirectory
+ let file_name_template = "lwn-epub-cookies.txt"
+ (out_path, out_handle) <- openTempFile temp_dir file_name_template
+ hClose out_handle -- We just want to create it for now.
+ return out_path
get_page :: Maybe FilePath -> URLString -> IO (Maybe String)
get_page cookie_jar url =
-{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, RecordWildCards, DoAndIfThenElse #-}
module Main
+import Control.Monad (when)
+import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Prelude hiding (readFile)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import System.IO (
IOMode (WriteMode),
+ hPutStrLn,
+ stderr,
import System.IO.UTF8 (readFile)
import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup)
import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase)
import Text.Regex.Posix ((=~))
-import Text.XML.HXT.Core
+import Text.XML.HXT.Core hiding (when)
import CommandLine (show_help)
-import Configuration (Cfg(..), get_cfg)
-import LWN.Page
+import Configuration (Cfg(..), get_cfg, use_account)
+import LWN.HTTP (get_page, log_in, make_cookie_jar)
+import LWN.Page (epublish, parse)
import LWN.URI (is_lwn_url, make_absolute_url, make_https)
import Misc (contains)
-- | Try to parse the given article using HXT. We try a few different
-- methods; if none of them work, we return 'Nothing'.
-get_xml_from_article :: String -> IO (Maybe (IOStateArrow s b XmlTree))
-get_xml_from_article s = do
- article <- real_article_path s
- is_file <- doesFileExist article
+get_xml_from_article :: Cfg -> IO (Maybe (IOStateArrow s b XmlTree))
+get_xml_from_article cfg = do
+ my_article <- real_article_path (article cfg)
+ is_file <- doesFileExist my_article
case is_file of
True -> do
- contents <- readFile article
+ contents <- readFile my_article
return $ Just $ my_read contents
False -> do
-- Download the URL and try to parse it.
- return Nothing
+ if use_account cfg then do
+ -- use_account would be false if these fromJusts would fail.
+ cj <- make_cookie_jar
+ li_result <- log_in cj
+ (fromJust $ username cfg)
+ (fromJust $ password cfg)
+ when (not li_result) $ do
+ hPutStrLn stderr "Failed to log in."
+ html <- get_page (Just cj) my_article
+ return $
+ case html of
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ Just h -> Just $ my_read h
+ else do
+ html <- get_page Nothing my_article
+ return $
+ case html of
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ Just h -> Just $ my_read h
-- | If we're given an empty path, return a handle to
-- 'stdout'. Otherwise, open the given file and return a read/write
main :: IO ()
main = do
- Cfg{..} <- get_cfg
- output_handle <- get_output_handle output
- maybe_html <- get_xml_from_article article
+ cfg <- get_cfg
+ output_handle <- get_output_handle (output cfg)
- case maybe_html of
+ maybe_html <- get_xml_from_article cfg
+ case maybe_html of
Just html -> do
result <- parse html
case result of
return ()
test_current_article_path :: Assertion
test_current_article_path = do
let expected = "https://lwn.net/current"
testCase "Numbered article path constructed" test_numbered_article_path,
testCase "Full article path left alone" test_full_article_path,
testCase "Non-https URL made https" test_non_https_article_path ]
\ No newline at end of file