import Control.Concurrent ( threadDelay )
-import Control.Exception.Base ( bracket )
+import Control.Exception ( bracket, throw )
import Control.Monad ( when )
import Data.List ( isPrefixOf )
import Data.Maybe ( isNothing )
-- If we were asked to daemonize, do that; otherwise just run the thing.
if (daemonize cfg)
- then full_daemonize cfg run_program
+ then try_daemonize cfg run_program
else run_program
catchIOError (connect_and_parse cfg host) (report_error . show)
thread_sleep 5 -- Wait 5s before attempting to reconnect.
round_robin cfg $ (feed_host_idx + 1) `mod` (length hosts)
+ -- | A exception handler around full_daemonize. If full_daemonize
+ -- doesn't work, we report the error and crash. This is fine; we
+ -- only need the program to be resilient once it actually starts.
+ --
+ try_daemonize :: Configuration -> IO () -> IO ()
+ try_daemonize cfg program =
+ catchIOError
+ (full_daemonize cfg program)
+ (\e -> do
+ report_error (show e)
+ throw e)
import Control.Concurrent ( ThreadId, myThreadId )
import Control.Exception ( throwTo )
+import Control.Monad ( unless )
+import System.Directory ( createDirectory, doesDirectoryExist )
import System.Exit ( ExitCode( ExitSuccess ) )
+import System.FilePath ( dropFileName, dropTrailingPathSeparator )
import System.IO.Error ( catchIOError )
import System.Posix (
GroupEntry ( groupID ),
+ setOwnerAndGroup,
sigTERM )
import System.Posix.Daemonize ( daemonize )
Configuration( pidfile,
run_as_user ))
-import Network.Services.TSN.Logging ( log_info, log_error )
-import Network.Services.TSN.Terminal ( display_error )
+import Network.Services.TSN.Report ( report_error, report_info )
-- | Retrieve the uid associated with the given system user name. We
-- take a Maybe String as an argument so the user name can be passed
graceful_shutdown :: Configuration -> ThreadId -> IO ()
graceful_shutdown cfg main_thread_id = do
- log_info "SIGTERM received, removing PID file and shutting down."
+ report_info "SIGTERM received, removing PID file and shutting down."
catchIOError try_nicely (\e -> do
- display_error (show e)
- log_error (show e)
+ report_error (show e)
exitImmediately ExitSuccess )
try_nicely = do
throwTo main_thread_id ExitSuccess
+-- | Create the directory in which we intend to store the PID
+-- file. This will *not* create any parent directories. The PID
+-- directory will have its owner/group changed to the user/group
+-- under which we'll be running. No permissions will be set; the
+-- system's umask must allow owner-write.
+-- This is intended to create one level beneath either /var/run or
+-- /run which often do not survive a reboot.
+-- If the directory already exists, it is left alone; that is, we
+-- don't change its owner/group.
+create_pid_directory :: FilePath -- ^ The directory to contain the PID file.
+ -> UserID -- ^ Owner of the new directory if created.
+ -> GroupID -- ^ Group of the new directory if created.
+ -> IO ()
+create_pid_directory pid_directory uid gid = do
+ it_exists <- doesDirectoryExist pid_directory
+ unless it_exists $ do
+ report_info $ "Creating PID directory " ++ pid_directory
+ createDirectory pid_directory
+ report_info $ "Changing owner/group of " ++ pid_directory ++
+ " to " ++ (show uid) ++ "/" ++ (show gid)
+ setOwnerAndGroup pid_directory uid gid
-- | Write a PID file, install a SIGTERM handler, drop privileges, and
-- finally do the daemonization dance.
full_daemonize :: Configuration -> IO () -> IO ()
full_daemonize cfg program = do
+ uid <- get_user_id (run_as_user cfg)
+ gid <- get_group_id (run_as_group cfg)
+ -- This will have to be done as root and the result chowned to our
+ -- user/group, so it must happen before daemonizing.
+ let pid_directory = dropTrailingPathSeparator $ dropFileName $ pidfile cfg
+ create_pid_directory pid_directory uid gid
-- The call to 'daemonize' will set the umask to zero, but we want
-- to retain it. So, we set the umask to zero before 'daemonize'
-- can, so that we can record the previous umask value (returned by
-- setFileCreationMask).
orig_umask <- setFileCreationMask 0
- -- This is the 'daemonize' from System.Posix.Daemonize. If it
- -- doesn't work, we report the error and do not much else.
- catchIOError (daemonize (program' orig_umask))
- (\e -> do
- display_error (show e)
- log_error (show e))
+ -- This is the 'daemonize' from System.Posix.Daemonize.
+ daemonize (program' orig_umask uid gid)
-- We need to do all this stuff *after* we daemonize.
- program' orig_umask = do
+ program' orig_umask uid gid = do
-- First we install a signal handler for sigTERM. We need to
-- pass the thread ID to the signal handler so it knows which
-- process to "exit."
-- Next we drop privileges. Group ID has to go first, otherwise
-- you ain't root to change groups.
- get_group_id (run_as_group cfg) >>= setGroupID
- get_user_id (run_as_user cfg) >>= setUserID
+ setGroupID gid
+ setUserID uid
-- Now we create the PID file.
pid <- getProcessID