import TSN.Xml ( parse_xmlfid )
--- | Warning! This does not automatically append a newline. The output
--- is displayed/logged as-is, for, you know, debug purposes.
+-- | Display and log debug information. WARNING! This does not
+-- automatically append a newline. The output is displayed/logged
+-- as-is, for, you know, debug purposes.
report_debug :: String -> IO ()
report_debug s = do
display_debug s
log_debug s
+-- | Display and log an error condition. This will prefix the error
+-- with "ERROR: " when displaying (but not logging) it so that it
+-- stands out.
report_error :: String -> IO ()
report_error s = do
display_error $ "ERROR: " ++ s
log_error s
+-- | Display and log an informational (status) message.
report_info :: String -> IO ()
report_info s = do
display_info s
log_info s
--- | Warning! This does not automatically append a newline.
+-- | A special case of report_debug for reporting the two bits of data
+-- that we sent to TSN: the username and password.
report_sent :: String -> IO ()
report_sent s = do
display_sent s
log_debug s
+-- | Display and log a warning. This will prefix the warning with
+-- "WARNING: " when displaying (but not logging) it so that it
+-- stands out.
report_warning :: String -> IO ()
report_warning s = do
display_warning $ "WARNING: " ++ s
save_document :: Configuration -> String -> IO ()
save_document cfg doc =
- case maybe_path of
- Nothing ->
- report_error "Document missing XML_File_ID element."
- Just path -> do
+ case either_path of
+ Left err -> report_error err
+ Right path -> do
already_exists <- doesFileExist path
when already_exists $ do
let msg = "File " ++ path ++ " already exists, overwriting."
writeFile path doc
report_info $ "Wrote file: " ++ path ++ "."
+ -- All the fmaps are because we're working inside a Maybe.
xmlfid = fmap show (parse_xmlfid doc)
filename = fmap (++ ".xml") xmlfid
- maybe_path = fmap ((output_directory cfg) </>) filename
+ either_path = fmap ((output_directory cfg) </>) filename
-- | Loop forever, writing the buffer to file whenever a </message>
xml_tests )
-import Data.Maybe ( listToMaybe, mapMaybe )
+import Data.Either.Utils ( maybeToEither )
import Test.Tasty ( TestTree, testGroup )
import Test.Tasty.HUnit ( (@?=), Assertion, testCase )
import Text.Read ( readMaybe )
xreadDoc )
-- | A tiny parser written in HXT to extract the "XML_File_ID" element
--- from a document.
-parse_xmlfid :: String -> Maybe Integer
-parse_xmlfid =
- listToMaybe . mapMaybe readMaybe . parse
+-- from a document. If we fail to parse an XML_File_ID, we return
+-- the reason wrapped in a 'Left' constructor. The reason should be
+-- one of two things:
+-- 1. No XML_File_ID elements were found.
+-- 2. An XML_File_ID element was found, but it could not be read
+-- into an Integer.
+-- We use an Either rather than a Maybe because we do expect some
+-- non-integer XML_File_IDs. In the examples, you will see
+-- NHL_DepthChart_XML.XML with an XML_File_ID of "49618.61" and
+-- CFL_Boxscore_XML1.xml with an XML_File_ID of "R28916". According
+-- to Brijesh Patel of TSN, these are special category files and not
+-- part of the usual feed.
+-- We want to report them differently, "just in case."
+parse_xmlfid :: String -- ^ The XML Document
+ -> Either String Integer
+parse_xmlfid doc =
+ case parse_results of
+ [] -> Left "No XML_File_ID elements found."
+ (x:_) -> x
parse :: String -> [String]
parse =
>>> getChildren
>>> getText)
+ read_either_integer :: String -> Either String Integer
+ read_either_integer s =
+ let msg = "Could not parse XML_File_ID" ++ s ++ " as an integer."
+ in
+ maybeToEither msg (readMaybe s)
+ elements = parse doc
+ parse_results = map read_either_integer elements
-- * Tasty Tests
check xmlfid = do
xml <- readFile ("test/xml/" ++ xmlfid ++ ".xml")
let actual = parse_xmlfid xml
- let expected = readMaybe xmlfid
+ -- The maybeToEither should always succeed here, so the error
+ -- message goes unused.
+ let expected = maybeToEither "derp" (readMaybe xmlfid)
actual @?= expected